Your biggest copy and paste problem could finally be solved

Your biggest copy and paste problem could finally be solved

A new free macOS app finally looks to solve one of the most frustrating problems plaguing users today when it comes to copying and pasting text.

We've all been there: You've copied text from a web page or a Word document, but when you paste it into a new location, the original formatting has caused issues ranging from a minor inconvenience to the layout of the entire document.

Now, Pure Paste looks to end that most annoying headache by pasting plain text by default, which will hopefully put an end to formatting issues for all your files.

pure paste

Available now on the App Store for free, Pure Paste seeks to remove all formatting from any copied text, which is now transferred to its new pasted location without any unwanted issues.

The app runs in the background, in the macOS menu bar, and seeks to replace the current (and rather convoluted) method of pressing Command+Shift+Option+V to paste raw on a Mac.

On its App Store page, developer Sindre Sorhus noted that Pure Paste removes all formatting, including fonts, colors, bold, links, tables, and more, and users can also choose to manually remove formatting whenever needed. necessary instead of doing it automatically through the menu bar icon. or keyboard shortcut.

The app focuses only on text, avoiding unrelated content such as files and images, and also ignores copied content from password managers. And while accessing his clipboard, Sorhus noticed that it doesn't store any data, it doesn't even connect to the internet.

Although it is one of the most popular shortcuts for users around the world, copy and paste still receives regular updates in an attempt to improve the service.

More recently, it was revealed that Microsoft and Google are developing a new set of Chromium APIs that will extend copy and paste functionality to their respective web browsers.

Microsoft also offers the Cloud Clipboard utility, which allows users to copy and paste items across multiple devices, including smartphones, via Microsoft's proprietary SwiftKey Keyboard tool for Android.

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