This startup wants to use generative AI to write its marketing copy

Typeface, a generative AI startup, has received financial backing to make its dream of AI-written content tailored to the voice of a business come true.

According to TechCrunch(opens in a new tab), the company, founded by former Adobe CTO Abhay Parasnis, has raised $65 million in venture capital from four major companies, including Google Ventures and M12, the Microsoft Venture fund. Capital.

As with recent consumer-friendly AI developments, such as OpenAI's ChatGPT Bing integration (opens in a new tab), the idea is that users can enter a rough notice for a piece of content. . The main difference is that while ChatGPT will often fail in a paragraph or two, Typeface will return an entire room with the appropriate images placed around it.

AI comes to public relations

“We provide a generative AI application that allows companies to develop personalized content,” Parasnis said. "CEOs, CMOs, CDOs, VPs and Creative Directors are expressing a growing demand to combine generative AI platforms with hyper-affinity AI content to improve the future of content workflows."

Parasnis says the company has clients in marketing, advertising, sales, human resources and customer service.

Meanwhile, TechCrunch notes that agencies working with Heinz, Martini & Rossi, and Patrón have, in recent months, released ad content that contains images generated with text-to-image systems such as Midjourney (opens in a new tab) and DALL. ·E for OpenAI (opens in a new tab). Even Nestlé has resorted to enslaving computers instead of children (opens in a new tab).

Businesses around the world are looking to AI to do their bidding to produce text, image and video content, and even to do their email marketing.

A recent report (opens in a new tab) from business data analytics firm Statista suggests that 87% of companies currently adopting AI are using or considering using AI to power their email marketing, email and newsletters .

PR firms caring about AI copywriters (and using nonsensical buzzwords to justify it) was inevitable: why bother paying or dealing with pesky human copywriters, when a robot can do it for you? Underpay that too, while you're at it.

If you also want to contribute to the fall of civilization, Typeface currently has an open waiting list (opens in a new tab), but with no set release date.