Do not put weapons or fireworks on your drones, warns the FAA

Do not put weapons or fireworks on your drones, warns the FAA

When you invest in a drone to capture stunning video images from the sky, you agree to abide by certain rules, including that you must not add weapons or fireworks to your autonomous flying machine, the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) warned.

The US agency issued an update on the matter, apparently motivated by the sharing of videos of people whose drones were made with all kinds of dangerous equipment. A fine of up to € 25,000 is possible for those who break the rules.

"You may have seen photos and videos online of drones with weapons, bombs, fireworks, flamethrowers, and other dangerous objects," says the FAA.

"Do not plan to attach such items to a drone because using a drone with such an item can cause significant damage to a person and their bank account."

Continue drone

The term "dangerous weapon" covers a lot of ground and extends to the use of fireworks, firearms, and more elaborate weapons such as launches. calls. Don't do it: YouTube hits aren't worth it.

Of course, there is also a high probability of injuring someone with an armed drone, which means you have all kinds of trouble with the law.

You can see the full list of FAA drone rules and regulations here (UK rules are here and Australian rules are here). You need to keep your drone within 122 meters (400 feet) when flying it, keep it in your field of view, and of course keep it away from airports.

You must also respect the regulations in force everywhere your drone flies - small planes are prohibited in many parks and public areas, for example.

Via SlashGear