Call of Duty Modern Warfare: stumble but try to save the essence of the franchisees

Call of Duty Modern Warfare: stumble but try to save the essence of the franchisees

When I finally bought my Xbox 360, eliminating the Play 2, I was greeted by the franchise that would make me like the FPS genre again. Call of Duty, especially the Modern Warfare series, the classic, has made me a fan of "COD".

The difficulty to evolve and stay true to its origins has led to many players. However, Activision often threw the ball, leaving the mighty franchise in a blurry area, among other games in the genre. .

With Modern Warfare, the return of the franchise series, Call of Duty revives the course with good news but missing details.

Hold your breath and... throw!

Although the current success of shooting games is due to its online modes, Call of Duty has (almost) always delivered quality campaigns, mainly in MW, MW2 and MW3, the latter being the lowest in this sector. question

In this new Modern Warfare, the story is not to be missed.

Despite many clichés and an already defeated exchange of opinions, which attracts different protagonists, in different places of the war, the campaign keeps you from end to end in a little more than 5 hours.

The war on terror is fierce, and even with the most restricted technologies, like the use of night vision goggles, Modern Warfare does it with great skill. There is no good time to breathe a sigh of relief during the campaign, and this is what a war game should be like.

The tension of being in an enemy field or an open battlefield is highly imitated, thanks to the modernization of the engine, which brings impressive graphics in addition to the excellent photography, which makes you want to see a movie. every time a cinematic enters the screen.

And the highlight is the sound effects. The sound of firearms, explosions, and the entire sound design are very realistic.

"I like the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like...victory"

Despite the notorious story mode, Call of Duty doesn't know what its main bet should be: the online mode.

After a jaw-dropping alpha and beta that has left gamers raised eyebrows and eager to try the full version, Modern Warfare offers a fun online experience, but that could be so much more: comprehensive and consistent quality.

The title, in general, aims to appeal to all tastes, with different cooperative modes and modes that largely exploit the mind-blowing pacing that characterizes the franchise, and that's where it all unfolds. The frenzy that is part of COD's DNA is lost in the great new cards, which look more like an attempt to throw the player onto some kind of broken battlefield.

The game's sound, which in story mode is a real highlight, online seems to annoy and prevent more than it helps. Echoes from off-set and not-very-high explosions can confuse players, who now also have to turn around with a different card, which doesn't accurately show the players' position (but instead points in the direction of Where the Explosions Are Coming From). shots). - paper that the sound already fills itself).

The highlight is the weapons table. The most complete of the latest Call of Duty, with many customization options and accessories to create new combinations.

Worth it?

Modern Warfare is a great modern warfare experience and transports the player into the skin of their characters.

As a short but comprehensive story that can stop you, Infinity Ward stands out by opening up the scope of its great title, with different game modes, a new engine, and (surprisingly) curious crossover play.

Despite the details in the online mode, we can expect the developers to listen to the community, update and fine-tune the details to make Modern Warfare the best must-have for the generation, because there is no shortage of potential.

This review was based on the operator's version of Call of Duty Modern Warfare, courtesy of the distributor.