Why is there an emotional break with office technology?

Why is there an emotional break with office technology?

As consumers, we are always on the lookout for the latest technology trends, gadgets, and innovations. From new tablets and new hardware to social media and the latest apps, many of us are seizing the opportunity to embrace the latest technology. Half of the growth in global technology can be attributed to the demand for emerging innovation, be it IoT-based devices, PDAs, or new immersive technologies such as augmented reality and reality. Virtual.

About the Author Mike Smith is the General Manager (direct) of Virgin Media Business. So why, in terms of the technology we use in our professional lives, is it a very different pot of fish?

The emotional disconnect

Compared to the smartphones, tablets and gaming devices they use at home, employees tend not to share the same enthusiasm for the technology they rely on for their daily work. This applies as much to the devices they rely on when working remotely as it does to the devices they use in the office. But the research also shows that staff are reluctant to embrace new innovations at work, and managers are noticing. A study by MIT and Capgemini found that more than six in XNUMX executives surveyed believe the pace of technological change at work is too slow, primarily due to a "lack of urgency" and an inability to communicate information. strategic advantages of the new tools. This is a problem for organizations trying to stay one step ahead and reap the benefits of digitization. If employees are uncomfortable with the technology available to them, or are unaware of the value it brings, they are likely to reject it. Change, big or small, can lead to dissatisfaction, which can hurt staff morale. A feeling of reluctance can be a major obstacle to achieving digitization goals. And, in the worst case, employees leaving digitization plans could seriously slow down business growth. How can companies bridge the emotional gap between personal and office technology? The answers are to give staff the opportunity to take ownership of your technology, help them use it fluently, have more open communication, and ensure that the foundations supporting new innovation are strong and scalable.

Empower decision-making and ownership by staff

With many employees feeling disconnected from the technology they use at work, some companies are already taking steps to address this issue by delegating decisions about the technology they need to individual staff members. This is particularly important when staff are working remotely and may not have access to it. to the same tools they normally would. Facebook and Shopify have given 5,000 of their employees around the world the equivalent of €1,000 to help them set up home offices, staff can use the budget to buy technology that will make the biggest difference for them. 'individual. This includes the budget to buy new laptops and hardware to adapt to the "new standard". This gives employees a degree of technological freedom, keeping them personally involved with the devices they choose to purchase and then use when working, just as they are with their own personal technology. Businesses can go further by facilitating BYOD (bring your own device) policies. Instead of providing staff with mobile phones and expensive commercial data packages, companies can give staff the flexibility to use their own devices. Research shows that allowing employees to bring their own portable devices to work saves an average of 58 minutes per day, while increasing productivity by 34%, while potentially saving costs for the business. Taking advantage of the BYOD trend can give staff greater freedom in their technology choices. Instead of fighting to get them excited about office equipment, it allows them to use the devices they currently use and are comfortable with, increasing business productivity. It won't work for every device, business, and employee, so it's also essential that businesses also invest properly in staff training so they can be fluent with their devices and the technology they need to do. his work. In addition to needing the right tools to do their jobs, staff must also be confident in their use. By creating a positive training culture and ensuring employees feel equipped to use new innovations, the true power of technology can be unleashed in the workplace. It will help enrich professional life, simplify tasks and boost overall collaboration, ultimately increasing productivity and improving the final product or service.

Communication and the path of progress.

At home, you probably wouldn't buy a new tablet or regular computer without contributions from your family or other people who use it. The same principle should be applied in the workplace. Conversations need to take place about what staff want and need; how current systems work; and how they can be improved. This not only helps organizations plan ahead, but also helps employees onboard and feel connected to new updates and additions when they are delivered. 87 percent of workers think leaders should rethink the way they think about technology. This means that employees must be included in decision making. Another study shows that more collaborative decision-making increases employee satisfaction, helps identify wants and needs, and ensures that they are met. For employers to make positive changes and adopt the right technology, they must consult with those who use it most. If management is transparent with the personnel surrounding its digitization plans, employees will be more likely to purchase their office technology and use it in the most cost-effective manner. If employees have a say in decisions about the day-to-day systems they use, this will prevent managers from forcing potentially unwanted technologies on staff. It also contributes to a more seamless understanding of the relationship with IT departments, helping technology meet employee demands and providing unparalleled support when needed. Ultimately, this promotes a positive connection between employees and their technology.

A change of mind

Business owners can't just buy the latest flashiest technology and think the job is done. Employees need to feel invested in the technology they use to go digital successfully. Innovation can have a positive impact, but only if employees are allowed to use new digital tools. It means having a meaningful dialogue about how technology can support people, empower people to take ownership, provide proper training, and invest on the right foundations. Digital change does not have to be difficult. As long as a business has appropriate, resilient, and flexible backbones and is willing to work collaboratively with staff to implement technology improvements, new technologies can bring about significant change.