Zero Trust technology is more important than ever

Zero Trust technology is more important than ever

Although organizations are increasingly becoming aware of the benefits of zero-trust technology and are even considering adopting it, new research from One Identity has found that only fourteen% of companies have incorporated a zero-trust strategy.

Following the publication of the White House "Executive Order on Enhancing the Nation's Cybersecurity" last May, awareness of Zero Trust continues to thrive in the US and around the world. For that reason, One Identity asked Dimensional Research to survey XNUMX IT security professionals to learn more about the current state of Zero Trust awareness and adoption in the company.

Surprisingly, the survey found that only one in 5 security actors trusts the Zero Trust understanding of their organization.

For those who don't know, the term Zero Trust was coined by Forrester's John Kindervag and is based on the realization that traditional security models operate on the outdated assumption that everything on an organization's network has to be reliable. Instead, the Zero Trust model recognizes that trust can be vulnerable to the fact that once on an organization's network, users, including threat actors and mischievous insiders, are free to break away, move face to face sides and access or exfiltrate any data to which they are not limited according to a Palo Alto Networks weblog post.

Implementing zero trust

Despite the fact that XNUMX% of organizations recognize that Zero Trust is essential or very important to strengthen their cybersecurity posture, only XNUMX% have fully incorporated a solution according to One Identity research.

However, thirty-nine% of organizations have started to address this important need and twenty-two% ancillary plan to incorporate Zero Trust over the next year.

The lack of clarity on how adoption of this technology can be achieved is one of the main obstacles to the widespread success of Zero Trust, as well as competing priorities and the belief that it can impede business productivity. Of those surveyed, sixty-one% of security professionals focus their implementation on reconfiguring access policies, while fifty-four% believe it begins by identifying how reserved data moves across a network.

One Identity President and CEO Bhagwat Swaroop gave more information on the investigation results in a press release, saying:

“Organizations recognize that the traditional perimeter is no longer sufficient and that they will benefit better if they prioritize identity security and take steps to ensure that bad actors are contained once they are out, they have access to it. Zero Trust is fast becoming a business imperative, abolishing fragile permissions and excessive access by providing a continuum of different rights across the organization, ultimately limiting attack surfaces if breached.

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