Your SaaS setup could pose a huge security risk to your business

Many companies could be putting their data at risk by not adequately protecting their SaaS environments, according to new research from DoControl.

Their report (opens in a new tab) found that large enterprises (1001 to 6696 employees) and midsize enterprises (50 to 1000 employees) store 5,5 million and 1,5 million assets, respectively, in SaaS applications.

Another important piece of information is the number of activities carried out each week, which he estimates at 2.775.000 for large companies and 55.750 for medium-sized companies. The problem arises when workers perform reckless actions that put company information at risk.

SaaS risks

Manually tracking sensitive assets has long been a company's biggest nightmare, and DoControl believes it has become an even bigger task. In fact, according to his research, nearly two-thirds (61%) of companies have employees who share company-owned assets with their personal email addresses.

There are also decisions made by the company itself that could put the data at risk. Sharing information with third-party companies does not guarantee that they adhere to the same data protection measures that your company has.

Business owners may even be responsible for not maintaining permissions on online collaboration software, which some workers no longer need. This can be compounded by files that remain shared with former workers who are no longer with the company.

DoControl explains: "According to Gartner, 60% of organizations will use cybersecurity risk as an important determinant in conducting third-party transactions and business engagements by 2025."

However, it is clear that companies need to start decluttering their SaaS environments as soon as possible to ensure maximum control is achieved and maintained.