You Season 3: release date, casting, and more

You Season 3: release date, casting, and more
Your season 3 is officially coming to Netflix, despite some reviews highlighting its most problematic themes. But whatever he takes on Joe's possibly toxic demands against the romantic obsessions of his life, there's something strangely compelling about you. Season 3 will once again see the return of the adapted book series by American author Caroline Kepnes, who first revealed to us the dangerous spirit of love-psychopath Joe Goldberg in 2014. Now, with two seasons of the series already finished, we saw the menacing intensity with which Goldberg has relationships with the likes of Candace and Love. It's awkward at times, but you've kept a loyal following through it all. Shooting on You season 3 began earlier this year, but we'll be surprised if its production hasn't been affected by the coronavirus pandemic in any way, especially for a show that involves this kind of intimacy and human contact. There's no official release date or hiatus details revealed, but we're still hoping to see the show return in 2021. So here's everything we know about You Season 3's release date, cast, and even more.

Season 3 Release Date: Expect 2021

See you soon, neighbor. YOU S3 is coming. January 2020 Netflix hasn't confirmed the exact release date for You season 3, but when news of the renewal broke on TVLine, it was revealed that ten new episodes would be arriving in 2021. The official website The show's Twitter account posted a tongue-in-cheek video in early January, simply saying "New Year, New You," a witty piece on the self-improvement commentary from the second season of You. Production began on the third episode earlier this year, but there have likely been coronavirus disruptions since then. Producer Sera Gamble on Twitter confirmed Friday, February 7, that work had begun on You season 3. "Just thought you'd want to know," Gamble wrote. While this essentially sentences viewers to at least a year before they can return to Joe and Love, it's nice to know that a new season is definitely in the works at a time when Netflix isn't afraid to cancel its original shows. .

Your Cast From Season 3: Joe and Love Will Return

Most importantly in terms of casting, we have confirmed the return of two cast members: Badgley will return as Joe and Victoria Pedretti as Love. Love's continued presence in Joe's life was pretty sure given the season two finale, with the couple in a rather unholy union (more on what that twist means for season 3 below). I hope we'll also see the return of the extended cast of Quinn's family and friends from season 2. It's likely that he will continue to be set in Los Angeles for the foreseeable future. With the aforementioned tax breaks for production in California and a season two finale that saw Joe adjust to life in an idyllic suburban home, it's safe to assume that season three won't be as much of a change of location as the transition from second season from New York to Los Angeles.

Your Season 3 Story - What to Expect Next Year

Season 2 of You radically stepped up the melodrama, deviating from the books with a rather shocking character. When Love is forced to confront Joe's true nature by her first victim, Candace, she takes the news in a way few have seen coming: by stabbing Candace in the throat. She was a dropper of a moment, revealing that love is just as obsessive and murder-prone as Joe. Speaking with Entertainment Tonight, Badgley offers a glimpse into the gender politics the series explores through Joe's rejection of his partner's darker tendencies. "'s like, 'OK, yeah, theoretically it's the same thing, but then he denies it, which again brings up the archetypes of male and female and the oppression of women, the inequality between men and women,'" she says. Badgley. He goes on to hint at a closer look at love in season three, noting that she: "...doesn't seem like the same kind of person, doesn't seem like the same kind of predator." It's not just Love that season 3 plans question more. Showrunner Sera Gamble also envisions an even darker future for Joe. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Gamble explained that the season 2 finale does not indicate good things for our leading man.

(Image credit: Tyler Golden/Netflix) After the revelations of Love's murder, she also surprises Joe with the news that she's now carrying her son, securing her future with him (for now). We see the two move to the suburbs (Love's mother in tow) and it's here that Joe spies his new neighbor over the fence, a possible new theme of his obsessive nature. "I think the biggest thing about this last scene is just the confirmation that Joe is still Joe," says Gamble, "in a way that's not going to be great for Joe." What motivates Joe, and how he makes us feel about his actions, was clearly Gamble's vision for season two, which saw an in-depth look at Joe and Love's traumatic childhoods. Although their stories are quite different, we learn that the two leaders suffered physical and emotional abuse and acts of violence at a very young age. The ending was designed to create "a much more suburban, insular world where Joe would be a complete fish out of water." The way Joe handles fatherhood will be an interesting part of next season: the past two seasons have shown that he's particularly protective of the children in his life. Badgley told TVLine that Joe and Love "aren't soul mates. He's scared of her in the end. He basically prepared for Season 3 in a way where they would be each other's sworn enemies." That's a lot of potential material for You Season 3 to explore.

You could run even more seasons on Netflix

Joe's story won't necessarily be complete with Season 3 either. "I'm not afraid to say that we could certainly follow Joe for several seasons," Gamble told THR. Don't worry about authors who lack the means to test their protagonists. "Because we believe in the world that Caroline gave us and we believe in these characters, we know they're going to keep finding really horrible things to get into."

You are a unique show

No matter where Joe and Love's twisted romance takes us, Netflix clearly has a guilty pleasure on its hands. Author Caroline Kepnes is currently working on books three and four of the She You You series, which means You Season 3 could face a Game of Thrones-style dilemma by going beyond the source material. You're just a cool, sexy, and somewhat dangerous show. It takes the riveting complicity in horrific acts seen in the Hannibal show, and is perfectly matched by the biting satire of the millennium. Naturally, this drew controversy for its dark subject matter, but Gamble managed to navigate the show's themes with a deft twist, providing viewers with a twisted and compelling show. Bring season 3.