Do you hate Android Q's new navigation gesture? Difficult, says Google, it's for your own good

Do you hate Android Q's new navigation gesture? Difficult, says Google, it's for your own good

When the final beta version of Android Q arrived earlier this week, there was a major change: the gesture navigation update. This wasn't very well received by many in the Android community, but with the final release of Q in a few weeks, Google told them it would stay that way, and besides, people are allowing it. would do.

With the old three-button navigation system, the left button allows you to scroll through open applications, the middle button takes you back to the home screen, and the right button takes you back to the & # 39; background.

After updating to Android Q, swipe from the left or right edge of the screen to go back, then swipe from the bottom to the top to return to the home screen. To access open apps, swipe up and hold briefly.

The main complaint concerns the new return gesture, which is causing problems for apps that already use it for tasks like opening menus.

Developers can choose to disable the back gesture altogether or just hide part of the screen if it gets in the way too much. For example, if users need to be able to swipe left and right to browse a gallery, the developer can disable the gesture for that part of the screen.

This change has been poorly received on two fronts: firstly, by users who generally don't like to change and learn a new system, and secondly by developers, who are now forced to modify their applications in view of the imminent release of Android Q.

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As reported by The Verge, Google responded to these complaints by posting an article on the Android Developer Blog, which outlined the reasons for the new navigation, acknowledging that the navigation wasn't completely transparent, and why it decided to continue.

The company claims to have decided to focus on gestures because they can be quicker and feel "more natural," are less likely to be activated accidentally, and mean apps aren't handled with operating system navigation buttons cluttering up their interfaces.

However, he also acknowledges that they don't work for all users, that they take some getting used to, and that they can interfere with existing app interfaces—all issues raised by beta testers.

He says he decided to go ahead because the gestures work well in the areas accessible to both thumbs. Typing the back button requires a slight bend in your thumb and is much less comfortable than swiping from the edge of the screen. Testing revealed that the new gestures worked much better from an ergonomic standpoint and made one-handed navigation significantly faster.

The takeaway message: This may take a few days (Google suggests up to three), but once you're used to the new navigation, your life will be easier. Developers will simply have to work with the new standard, but Google has published a new guide explaining how to do it. Happy to slip (possibly).