Xbox Series X will be "a spectacular step forward" over Xbox One and PS4

Xbox Series X will be "a spectacular step forward" over Xbox One and PS4

The Xbox Series X is a very powerful console, but while current-gen game graphics do improve on Microsoft's new hardware, Xbox boss Phil Spencer believes higher frame rates will have much more impact. . Speaking in an interview at Gamelab, Spencer noted that improving load times and frame rates would ultimately make a difference to the next generation and help deliver a more immersive experience. "I think we're at a point now, with the immersion, with the tools we have, and the computational power, that the deltas are going to be smaller compared to a visual impact, or that X functionality hasn't ever been possible before and now is ", Spencer "And that may sound depressing to some, but what I would say is the benefit of what I see now, is a really immersive nature of content that is created."

The higher the better

While the transition from 2D to 3D gaming was immediately apparent to new players on previous console generations, the Xbox Series X's most compelling functionality is much harder to verify. Microsoft's new frame is capable of up to 120 fps, which is significantly higher than the average console player at 30 fps. A higher frame rate means games feel more responsive due to lower input latency, and the visual experience is vastly improved as movements and animations are much smoother and more stable. "Today we can access almost realistic graphics, even in current generation in some cases," said Spencer. "But when you take that and mix it with a very high frame rate, a solid frame rate, very low input latency, and the ability for game storytellers to really push the emotion and the story that they're trying to get through their game, through the screen, through the controller and into you. It's something I feel in gaming now that it's a dramatic step."

Consoles are finally catching up

We've already seen some amazing gameplay during Xbox Series X and PS5 game reveal events, but while fancy new graphics are always a bonus, consoles tend to lag PCs when it comes to timing. 'images. And that's because, generally speaking, most PCs come with a more powerful processor, and you can also upgrade them over time. Consoles, on the other hand, are tied to the same chip for five years or more, with a defined hardware standard that developers must adhere to. With Microsoft seemingly focusing on providing a smooth frame rate for its upcoming games, it looks like console gamers might finally reap the benefits of higher frame rates. Via