Xbox Series X stocks are back on Amazon, but you'll have to hurry

Xbox Series X stocks are back on Amazon, but you'll have to hurry
Xbox Series X stock is now available on Amazon for $499.99, but it won't be around for long. Microsoft's flagship console is hugely popular right now, and stocks of the Xbox Series X continue to steal the shelves as soon as it arrives. While Microsoft has promised more action is on the way, the next-gen system remains elusive. This is the perfect opportunity to pick up the Xbox Series X before it's gone, and you'll also get it before Christmas, which is an added bonus. The Xbox Series X promises to be one of the hottest products this holiday season, which will only make finding the little power pylons even more difficult.

Xbox Series X Offer:

Xbox Series X Console: $499 at Amazon
Do you want an Xbox Series X? Amazon is showing stock of Microsoft's flagship console again. It's always a great opportunity to get the new Xbox. See the deal Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S are in high demand right now, and for good reason. The flagship Xbox Series X enables native 4K gaming thanks to its powerful 12 teraflop processor and 120 fps on select titles. We wrote a lot about the features of the Xbox Series X in our Xbox Series X review and we were impressed with the new machine from Microsoft.

Xbox Series X accessory deals

Not in the United States? Visit our Where to Buy Xbox Series X page or check out the latest deals on accessories and controllers below: Today's best Xbox Series X accessory deals Seagate Storage Expansion... Xbox Wireless Controller -... Microsoft - Rechargeable... Officially Wired PowerA... Microsoft - Xbox Adaptive...