Xbox One games have a random play button when you can't decide what to play.

Xbox One games have a random play button when you can't decide what to play.

Your Xbox One game library is now a bit easier to navigate, with the "Surprise Me" button to randomly select a title to play.

Can't decide what to play next? The little purple button appears in the upper-right corner of the screen as you browse your library on the Xbox platform and switches to a random title when indecision takes over. It should be noted that this does not automatically play the games and you can click as many times as you like until you get a satisfactory answer.

This is not a general novelty. After all, there is a similar feature in the Xbox Games Pass library, which allows access to more than 100 games for a monthly or annual price, and can prevent you from watching each game individually.

But adding this to your own library of purchased games can be the kind of spontaneity you need to reconnect (or get started) with the neglected Xbox One games you own.

The Surprise Me button in Alpha Skip-Ahead User Collections, located in the upper right corner of My Games and Apps, can help determine what to play next! Use it today. November 11, 2019

Healing, healing, healing

Let's face it: there are a lot of games on the market these days, the types of monthly giveaways included in PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold often cause a backlog of titles you've never really played for. And when you're unsure of your need, asking yourself to choose an algorithm that takes you back to different titles can keep you from living the rest of your days in the multiplayer of a game.

This may seem like a small addition, but it indicates a heightened awareness of the need to provide players with flexible ways of accessing, or even curating the game. We see this with services like Xbox Games Pass or Xbox Games Ultimate (which allows you to "subscribe" to an Xbox console through monthly payments, rather than upfront fees), while the next-gen Xbox Scarlett and PS5 consoles even allow you to Players selectively download sections of the games they have chosen.

This means that you can save space on your console's SSD by storing only single or multiplayer modes of a game. This makes perfect sense if you tend to play a campaign once, but spend the rest of your time playing an online competition.

But what to play first? Walk away.

Source: Kotaku