World of Warcraft: Shadowlands becomes the best-selling PC game of all time

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands becomes the best-selling PC game of all time

In a recent investor report, World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Publisher Activision claims that the latest expansion to the popular MMO is now the best-selling PC game of all time, with a total of 3,7 million in sales for its game alone. . first day. Shadowlands is ahead of former title holder Diablo III (also produced by Blizzard Entertainment), which sold 3,5 million copies on the first day. Released on November 23, the 16th anniversary of World of Warcraft's release, the expansion has almost certainly benefited from the current Covid-19 pandemic, which, as GamesRadar points out, has pushed many more people in and out. it forced them to restrict their social interactions, which led to an industry. -the boom of new and recurring users. In fact, Activision also notes in its report that “in the months leading up to the expansion's release and the time since launch, the game has reached and maintained its highest number of players with monthly or longer-term subscriptions compared to the same period to come. and after any expansion of WoW over the last decade, both in the West and in the East. "

16 years later, World of Warcraft is still going strong

This is all very impressive for a 16 year old MMO that has been declared dead or dying on several occasions in recent years. "It was a great pleasure to enter this new dimension of the Warcraft universe with millions of players around the world," said J. Allen Brack, president of Blizzard Entertainment. “It's equally gratifying to see players take advantage of all the new features and content in Shadowlands, whether they're exploring new aspects of their characters with the Covenant or entering WoW for the first time with the Covenant. new player experience in Exile's Reach, and much more to come. This latest World of Warcraft expansion is arguably the most ambitious in at least a decade after 2010's Cataclysm completely shook up the gaming world map, scarring many players then and in the years since. - a major turning point for the MMO. . Whether Shadowlands has the same kind of impact on the player experience remains to be seen.