With Game Pass Ultimate, PC gamers don't need the Xbox Series X

With Game Pass Ultimate, PC gamers don't need the Xbox Series X
After showing off a bunch of exciting new games on the Official Xbox Game Store, Microsoft made one thing very clear to me: I'm ready for the next generation, at least when it comes to Xbox-exclusive games. Almost all of the games featured at the event are coming to the best gaming PCs, which means I don't have to worry about spending tons of money on new hardware in November. I can get on with the hardware I spent thousands of dollars on in 2018. And, in the end, it all comes down to Games Pass Ultimate, a service I've subscribed to since it officially arrived on PC in June 2019. It doesn't seem that I have been discharged. soon, neither.

Halo: Infinito

The most iconic couple in video games (Image credit: Microsoft)

So let's talk about Halo

It hasn't even been a year since Halo: Reach released Halo Master Chief Collection on PC, so it's not like I'm really desperate for Halo content on PC. However, I'd be lying if I said I'm not trying to get my hands on Halo Infinite's seemingly open-ended campaign. And for the first time since Halo 2, I'll be able to play a Halo game alongside console players without having to give up my precious mouse and keyboard. It almost feels like Halo is finally coming back to PC with Halo: Infinite, and I can't help but wonder if the demo shown off at today's event was working to its full potential. stay with me here After the demo was shown to the public, we had a little chat with one of the developers, who told us that this game runs in native 4K at 60fps. However, the Xbox Series X only has a GPU that falls between the Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 and 2080 Super in terms of raw power. For those of us lucky enough to have an RTX 2080 Ti pushing frames inside our computers, there's a chance the game could be even better. It is highly unlikely that this is the case. Logic goes that 343 Industries would show off Halo: Infinite in all its glory, running on high-end PC hardware, rather than being limited to what the Xbox Series X can do. However, while the game looks amazing, it doesn't feel like a game that really pushes the PC hardware any further than current-gen titles, that's not a bad thing. Instead, I'm hoping that because I have the extra power, there will be some ray tracing effects I can turn on, since I'm definitely the type who prefers pretty graphics over frame rates. high - and that's the choice of PC games.


I love you. Now. (Image credit: Microsoft)

Games Pass comes with a classic flavor for PC games

There were two games featured at the Xbox Games event that were clearly love letters to the world of PC gaming, and these were Obsidian's Avowed and STALKER 2. Both games just received brief teasers, but both carry a great story and legacy. of PC Games: Obsidian's story in creating some of the most beloved PC RPGs like Neverwinter Nights. 2 and STALKER 2 are the sequel to one of the most iconic PC games of all time. More importantly, this will be the first time we've gotten a giant first-party budget Obsidian game, following Microsoft's acquisition of the studio in 2019. The Studio has always been able to create magic under conditions. less than ideal circumstances, even showing Bethesda during the making of Fallout: New Vegas after Fallout 3. STALKER 2 is a bit more mysterious, however. The last STALKER game was released in 2009 with Call of Pripyat, which like all other games in the series is a PC exclusive title. It is unknown who is publishing the game, if Microsoft is releasing it, or if GSC Game World is self-publishing the title after having to cancel their first attempt at a STALKER 2 in 2011. Either way, this will be the first time that a STALKER game is coming to console, but according to the game's website, the game is expected to be as ambitious as longtime fans have hoped it would be. or, with the developer stating that it will have "one of the best seamless open worlds to date." What's even better is that these two exciting games packed with PC flavor will be part of Games Pass Ultimate. With STALKER in particular, there is a level of density and difficulty to the game that may put some people off picking it up as a mainstream game purchase. However, as part of a subscription, it may not be as threatening to give it a try. I just hope that the transition to a console title doesn't take away any of the brutal "charms" of the original games.

Xbox Series X Games Showcase

Thanks, game subscription. I thank you. (Image credit: future)

Give me all the games

While the fact that all of these games are coming to PC is incredibly exciting, the fact that they are all included with a Games Pass Ultimate membership is even better. This basically means that I don't need to deposit money into an Xbox Series X console or spend it on a full-priced game. There have been hints that the prices of next-gen games are going to go up, and I'm exactly the type of stubborn person who will absolutely refuse to spend an extra ten bucks on a game. However, the way I personally engage with PC gaming right now is through three different subscriptions: Games Pass Ultimate, Humble Monthly, and Origin Access. Through these three services, I have access to most of the biggest PC titles and a good selection of the best indie PC games, although some of them are a bit old. If every one of the exciting titles showcased at Xbox Games Showcase makes it to one of these subscription services, then it will be very easy for me to refuse to buy any game released with a price tag higher than $70. ' these games, but look: I've been playing PC games almost exclusively for 15-20 years at this point. I haven't had a game that I paid for in a long time, due to the complications of having digital games. At least that way, I have access to the latest cheap and early games, and in a post-game world, that's something that excites me. Today's best deals on Microsoft Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 3 months 3 month pass for Xbox Game ... Xbox Game Pass Ultimate: 3 ... Microsoft - Xbox Game Pass ...