Why do developers make Modern C Suite work?

Why do developers make Modern C Suite work?
From Jeff Bezos to Mark Zuckerberg to Larry Page to Sergey Brin, some of the world's most powerful CEOs have made their way as computer developers and programmers. Yet despite these high-profile examples, developers have often been criticized for their lack of talent, or even interest, in the business world. But as the world becomes more and more technology-driven, which was rare in the early 2000s, companies led by computer developers or trained in design, is becoming more and more common. Just look at Stripe CEO Patrick Collison, Snapchat's Evan Spiegel, and AirBnb's Brian Chesky. And even if a CEO has no development experience, he can ensure that he is doing everything possible to exploit and develop the talent and capabilities of developers within his organization.

Developers now run this world

Whereas, in the past, CEOs were the traditional figure of the company and developers were firmly anchored in the chain of command; The skills required and the powers that govern them have evolved. This is no more true than in my industry – skilled developers and programmers are the driving force behind fintech in the UK and beyond. One of the reasons the UK fintech industry is so strong is the power vested in developers. We challenge the status quo; It's not because something already exists and works, it's perfect. We use technology to make traditionally bulky or hostile customer experiences better, easier, and faster. This is something that traditional banks have struggled with for a long time because they are blocked by existing systems. And once we've developed a solution, we'll constantly work to improve it. Every software developer I've ever met firmly believes that they can develop and build something better than the guy sitting next to you; A rounder, better wheel. It is this energy that makes developers so valuable in a cutting-edge company. By thinking and acting in the minds of developers, focused on customer problems, we develop solutions that simplify their lives, improve the customer experience, and grow their business with technology-based solutions.

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CEOs are not unimportant, but their roles change

So what does it mean for a CEO with little development knowledge? Well, what has already been defined as a CEO: a strong and dominant leader, focused on creating a company from the top down and directed hierarchically, has become a figure that should be much more in line with the technical aspects. The history of a company, and open to ideas from the bottom up. As Steve Jobs said: "There is no point in engaging smart people and telling them what to do; we are hiring smart people to tell us what to do. Modern CEOs understand more than smart thinking in the past. This is further represented by a change of career path to the CEO position.While in the past, a CEO often held the position of COO before starting out, especially in large companies, but more and more CEOs are coming to market with a developer background.But that doesn't mean every developer has the traits to be a CEO. Far from. For every success, there are probably hundreds of others who have failed. But what unites the skills of a good future CEO is an appreciation of development. If the CEO If you don't have development training, you probably need to understand the power of developers in your business.

If developers are the wind, CEOs are the sails.

Developers want to get things done quickly. They want the change, and they want it now. It is incumbent on modern CEOs to adopt this attitude. The developer spirit that makes the impossible possible is unparalleled, while successful modern leaders have clear vision, empathy, soulful and inspiring minds. Combine these characteristics to create an innovative and innovative company. The developers are now managing this world and this change is reflected in the next c. Ed Addario, CTO at Currencycloud