When is Uncharted coming to Netflix? The release date is finally here

When is Uncharted coming to Netflix? The release date is finally here

Sony's blockbuster Uncharted has been confirmed to be coming to Netflix in July.

Released in theaters on February 11 this year, the film enjoyed a successful theatrical run, grossing over €400 million at the box office. And, following a digital download and DVD release last month, its streaming arc is now confirmed.

Uncharted is based on Naughty Dog's immensely popular video game series and follows treasure hunter Nathan "Nate" Drake as he travels the world to uncover various historical mysteries.

In the film, Drake, played by Spider-Man star Tom Holland, teams up with Mark Wahlberg's Victor "Sully" Sullivan. Sullivan, an older explorer and Drake's mentor, leads the young man on an adventure where the pair come face to face with a rich and ruthless treasure hunter and his mercenaries in search of a lost fortune.

As Netflix owns the distribution rights to Sony Pictures' movie listing for the next five years, Uncharted will drop here on July 15. It's only in the US at the moment, but we'll update this article if that changes...

Didn't the critics hate this movie?

They really did. But the public did not.

Expectations for the film weren't high when it hit theaters, especially after critics gave it an average rating of just 40% on Rotten Tomatoes (opens in a new tab), and the rumor before release was that Sony would lose money on a film that cost over €100 million to make.

However, audiences were much more generous, giving the film a 90% on Rotten Tomatoes and flocking to theaters to see it.

With €400 million in revenue, a sequel has now been greenlit and Sony now has a new film franchise to work with. The success of the film will have been particularly gratifying for Sony, given Uncharted's painful, slow and difficult journey to the screen. The studio ended up developing the film for over a decade, and during that time six different directors, including David O. Russell, Shawn Levy, and Travis Knight, came and went before Venom filmmaker Ruben Fleischer arrived in 2020 to shoot. complete the project.

In fact, development took so long that Wahlberg, who was once cast as Drake, grew up enough to take on the role of his mentor, Sullivan. (opens in a new tab)

TechRadar's own review of Uncharted wasn't kind, with critic Axel Metz calling it "...harmless, pointless entertainment," but sometimes when you're tired and flipping through Netflix, that's exactly what you want...