WhatsApp shrinks and expands different interface elements

WhatsApp shrinks and expands different interface elements
Beta versions of most apps, WhatsApp in particular, tend to focus on new features or alter existing ones. Getting involved in beta programs is one way to test these features before they are widely released, but sometimes changes are introduced that are more to do with aesthetics. Hence, this is exactly what happens with the latest beta versions of WhatsApp for iOS and Android. Minor visual changes have been made to the user interface, but the impact may be greater than you initially think. The changes cause certain elements of the app's interface to increase in size and others to shrink. A recent change in the beta versions of the application involved the removal of line separators between threads. This visual tweak is one thing that's going to be loved and hated in equal measure, but it still hasn't been built in for everyone. It's unclear if this is going to be a moveable setup or if everyone is going to lose the line at some point. But for any testers where the row separator is missing, there has been another change. With the row removed, WhatsApp has also reduced the size of pf profile pictures in the chat list. Again, this is a tiny change, but this time it means there's a little more space on the screen.

One size face up, one size face down

Therefore, the separation lines may disappear and the profile images shrink, but WhatsApp also increases the size of previous views of links in messages. You can see the updated look in this WABetaInfo tweet. < p lang="en" dir="ltr">WhatsApp tests a huge preview of links for a future update. pic.twitter.com/398d8VRpTZ Jul XNUMX, XNUMX See More This is arguably a considerably more useful change. While not every single site accepts larger previous views, in such a case WhatsApp will revert to using a smaller thumbnail. The increase in size can be seen in both the iOS and Android versions of the app, and the improved increase and quality help make previous views more informative to the point where you may not even need to click to click to visit a site, but it also looks better. Via WABetaInfo Sofia is a technology writer who has been writing about software, hardware and the web for almost twenty years, but she still looks very young! After years of writing for magazines, life has moved online and is still driven by technology, music and nature. Having written for sites and magazines since two thousand, generating a wide range of reviews, guides, tutorials, brochures, newsletters and more, Sofia continues to write for a variety of audiences, from computer novices to power users and business customers. Always ready to try something new, sharing new discoveries is a huge passion. Sofia lives and breathes Windows, Android, iOS, macOS, and just about anything with a power button, but areas of particular interest include security, settings, and privacy.