What to do if you receive a FaceTime link

What to do if you receive a FaceTime link
            La mayor parte de los usuarios comerciales proseguirán utilizando Zoom, Teams y WebEx para videoconferencias, mas cuando aparezcan iOS quince y macOS Monterey, probablemente veamos asambleas utilizando FaceTime.  ¿Qué es lo que significa y a qué te dedicas?</p><h3 class="body"><strong>El alcance de FaceTime se expande<br/></strong></h3><p>Apple por último ha dado un paso adelante para sacar a FaceTime de su jardín amurallado al dejar que los usuarios de Windows y Android se unan a una asamblea de FaceTime usando un navegador de internet.
“FaceTime calling also extends beyond Apple devices with the ability to connect from an iPhone, iPad or Mac and share via Messages, Calendar, Mail or third-party apps,” the company said when the enhancement was announced. It's an essential step, albeit a far, far cry from what Steve Jobs promised in XNUMX when he declared that FaceTime would become an "open industry standard." It's not like that, and while FaceTime still has a lot going for it, it's been about as useful as a teapot of chocolate throughout the pandemic in supporting conversations between people on different platforms. No company really makes serious use of it, and I know of at least one leading IT company that thinks it would use it for external assemblies that uses something else on its site. Zoom has morphed into what FaceTime could have been.

What it doesn't do

If you are using a Windows, Linux, or Android device, you cannot start a FaceTime assembly. The new support simply means that you can open a link to go to an assembly that someone started on an Apple device in your browser. You also don't get each and every bell and whistle for the full FaceTime experience.

How to link to a FaceTime call

Apple users can connect to a FaceTime call from FaceTime: The link appears in this sort of format: https://facetime.apple.com/join followed by a very long and complex alphanumeric hash code, which leads you to the appropriate assembly. You can also enter this link in the calendar events. The person who created the assembly link can also remove it. If they do, the link will no longer work if someone else accepts it.

How to use a FaceTime link

For whom it is ?

If there's a good thing about this, it's that someone using an Apple device can share a FaceTime link with others using other platforms, which their contacts can use to send them a request. I'm not persuaded of its usefulness in the long term, but that at the very least means that you and your contact can participate in free video calls using any device of your choice. However, this appears to be of limited utility to the business. Unfortunately, Apple is in a “too little, too late” situation with FaceTime as a cross-platform solution, although the company may now be planning to create platform-specific app wrappers for its web solution. If so, you could probably find a way to make FaceTime an actively useful business tool. In the current iteration, it's useful to know which way is going.

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