What is the impact of IoT onboard computing on the data center market?

What is the impact of IoT onboard computing on the data center market?
As the Internet of Things (IoT) grew, more and more companies were deploying IoT devices, so the amount of data created by these devices was significant. This data is then returned to data centers where it can be analyzed and used by organizations. But what if this data could be analyzed in real time at the edge of the network? This is the idea behind Edge Edge and TechRadar Pro spoke with Massimo Bandinelli, Cloud and Data Center Marketing Manager at Aruba.it, to learn more about the impact that Advanced Computing could have on the data center market. data.

What is your vision for advanced computing? What will be the impact on the global connectivity landscape?

Edge computing doesn't always get praise for other emerging technologies, but if you're considering new experiences and new services, it may help you understand why so many people (including me) are excited about the possibilities. According to Gartner, edge computing is expected to become an "innovation trigger", its adoption becoming more widespread in 2020, along with other enabling technologies, such as 5G, blockchain, l & rsquo; Serverless computer and quantum computing. For example, as the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to grow (50% of companies plan to implement IoT in the next three years), the amount of data generated will skyrocket. This change will create new needs, such as the ability to analyze and process data in real time, which requires new solutions. In the years to come, advanced computing solutions will be an integral part of the data generated by connected devices and will act faster as they allow information to be processed closer to where it is collected or stored. generated. This will not only increase processing capacity to cope with ever-increasing amounts of data, but also increase the speed and efficiency of data processing. This, in turn, will provide real-time insights into the IoT data being collected, helping organizations resize their networks and capture the real value of next-generation connectivity solutions such as 5G networks.

Woman using laptop in front of servers (Image: © Image Credit: Christiana Morillo / Pexels)

In your opinion, will advanced technologies have a positive or negative impact on the data center market? Why?

The increase in edge computing will lead to a significant change in the data center environment by increasing the number of smaller data centers and device-driven systems that will work alongside data centers. existing. We will certainly see a change, but the traditional data center model will continue to flourish and will be vital for all types of businesses as it retains its role at the center of these new networks and is essential for basic data processing. that require long-term preservation. . Additionally, the staggering spread of IoT will increase the need to move data centers closer to devices, primarily to reduce latency and enable more efficient data analysis. Latency in some areas is a key element, such as in the gaming world for many years. To meet the needs of the industry, edge computing and edge data center technologies have been created. They began to provide devices with much of the computing power that was previously only available in the data center.

According to various analysts, edge computing is expected to play a vital role in broader IoT deployments. Do you agree? If so, how do you see it?

As the Internet of Things grows, edge computing will allow data processing to take place closer to where the data is generated, enabling data analysis. Data in near real time. Edge computing will also help reduce connectivity costs by eliminating the need for ultra-fast connectivity between devices and traditional data centers. Instead, ultra-fast connectivity can be reserved for urgent data processing and other connectivity arrangements can be made for non-urgent data. There is also a data privacy and security issue with increasing hypersensitivity related to how data is stored and the users who have access to it. For example, now that most mobile devices can efficiently process data without the need to transport it anywhere, end users can access the instant personalized experiences they dream of without having to expose their data unnecessarily. Ultimately, advanced computing will be an integral part of faster processing and use of IoT data, allowing organizations and end users to get the most out of IoT. .

Image Credit: Shutterstock Image Credit: Shutterstock (Image: © Image Credit: Shutterstock)

Will the traditional data center market become obsolete due to IoT IT? Or is it a great opportunity for data centers to have an even bigger impact?

As mentioned above, edge computing will change the way data is stored and processed, but traditional data centers will continue to be used for basic data processing that requires long-term preservation. The traditional data center model will by no means become obsolete and will still be used for a wide range of functions, but the surge in advanced computing could result in a change in the data center landscape, with an increased number of data centers. smaller data built near population centers like cities and business parks. Therefore, the data center infrastructure could slowly change and become more distributed. In this case, it is likely that there will be more storage centers in regional markets and small cities, as well as micro-data centers connected to elements of the existing communication infrastructure, such as telecom towers. . While more compute and storage capacity is needed to handle a growing number of advanced applications, it makes sense to situate it on top of existing infrastructure.

What is your role in this area? Where is it sitting in the market? Why are you interested?

Many experts have predicted that a data avalanche would occur with the growth of the Internet of Things, with unprecedented levels of data generated by the increasing number of connected devices. This increase in data generation will also drive the need for more storage in traditional data centers or modular data centers. At Aruba, our goal is to provide the necessary data center solutions that enable organizations to store and process data in the most efficient and appropriate manner. Demand for these services is already growing rapidly. Many organizations have also started building cloud infrastructure for batch processing of information collected from IoT devices.