What if Halo Infinite was an N64 game? This trailer makes it happen

What if Halo Infinite was an N64 game? This trailer makes it happen

It's easy to forget just how far video game graphics have evolved, but that hasn't stopped fans from furiously debating whether Halo Infinite's visuals measure up. Love them or hate them though, one thing's for sure: the graphics are so much better than they were in Halo 64. Wait a minute... was it really something? If you've ever wondered what Halo Infinite would be like if it were a Nintendo 64 exclusive, YouTuber Hoolopee has crafted a stunning throwback version of Master Chief's latest adventure with incredible precision. From delayed textures to muddy textures to polygonal character models, all the hallmarks of the 64 N1996-era graphics are present. There are also some nods to classic Nintendo games in the video. The pilot's dialogue has been turned into something straight out of Banjo Kazooie, and we get to see Master Chief picking up a star, like we've all done 120 times in Super Mario 64. Nintendo fans will also notice that Arwing from Star Fox 64 is flying. across the skies, and Craig the Brute makes a timely appearance as one of the game's level portraits.

False prophet

Halo 64 isn't real, of course, but this trailer really makes us wish it was. As for the actual Halo Infinite, the game is expected to launch alongside Xbox Series X when it launches on 'Holiday 2020'. Halo's multiplayer will be free-to-play for the first time in the series and will support 120fps for smooth frame rates. It will also be available on Xbox One and PC, and included with Xbox Game Pass. Get the best Sony PlayStation 5 pre-order deals before everyone else! As soon as the PlayStation 5 is available for pre-order, we'll send you an email with the best deals and bundles. The first wave of products can sell out quickly, so get your pre-order in before the queue! Please send me details of other relevant Techradar products and future brands. Send me details of other relevant third party products. No spam, I promise. You can unsubscribe at any time and we will never share your data without your permission. Halo: Master Chief... Halo: Master Chief... Microsoft Halo: Master Chief... Halo: Master Chief...