We asked a specialist to redesign GoDaddy - here's what he came up with

We asked a specialist to redesign GoDaddy - here's what he came up with As part of a new series, TechRadar Pro asked the designers of the independent platform Fiverr to give the brand a makeover from a selection of well-known companies. The idea is not to absolutely go back to the drawing board, just to imagine what a well-known brand would look like with a few tweaks here and there. In the previous 2 rounds, design specialists reworked the logo and user interface for Twitter and the Wikipedia site. This time, designer Dreejc7 gave the same treatment to web hosting company GoDaddy and also explained his decision-making process to us. This is what he found:

Fiverr / Dreejc7

(Image credit: Fiverr / Dreejc7)

Fiverr / Dreejc7

(Image credit: Fiverr / Dreejc7)

Fiverr / Dreejc7

(Image credit: Fiverr / Dreejc7)

Fiverr / Dreejc7

(Image credit: Fiverr / Dreejc7)

The logic of Dreejc7

I redesigned the GoDaddy place on the principle of best possible recognition, with nice, more contrasting colors. When designing the logo, I had simplicity in mind, which is one of the most essential attributes of a web host.