Wayback Machine gets Chrome and Firefox browser extensions

Wayback Machine gets Chrome and Firefox browser extensions

Archive.org, a nonprofit digital library that curates web pages, has announced extensions for the Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox web browsers. The organization's Internet Archives (or Wayback Machine, as it's commonly known) indexes more than 400 million deleted websites and makes them publicly available. To access iterations of old or removed websites, users had to visit Archive.org directly. But Chrome and Firefox will now automatically invite users to view the file when they hit a deprecated URL, as long as the extension is installed.

Internet archives

The Wayback Machine extension allows Chrome and Firefox users to load the first version of the website, the most recent saved version, or a list of all archived snapshots. Users will also have the opportunity to contribute to the resource by saving and downloading a snapshot of the current website. Last week, Brave Browser, a privacy-focused web browser, also joined the service. Unlike Chrome or Firefox, the functionality is built into the latest version of Brave Browser. Through the dream computer