VMware Targets Remote Work Security with Anywhere Workspace

VMware Targets Remote Work Security with Anywhere Workspace
            Brindar acceso seguro a aplicaciones de misión crítica ha sido un gran desafío para las empresas que se vieron obligadas a adaptarse al trabajo remoto durante la pandemia.  Y con muchas empresas preparadas para continuar apoyando una fuerza de trabajo distribuida incluso después de que las oficinas vuelvan a abrir, esto seguirá siendo una prioridad para TI durante algún tiempo.
With that in mind, VMware introduced a suite of endpoint and security management tools to support remote workers. VMware Anywhere Workspace, announced Tuesday, combines VMware's Workspace One, a "digital workspace platform" that delivers apps across a variety of devices, with its Carbon Black Cloud and SASE endpoint security tools, which provide secure access to the network to distributed teams. “By combining these three elements, we are able to deliver value to stakeholders including employees, CIOs, CISOs, lines of business, and human resources,” said Shankar Iyer, senior vice president and chief executive officer of end-user IT at VMware. "This translates to highly engaged employees, a larger and more efficient security model, lower costs and overhead." The tools will provide "a great user experience and consistent performance on any device, from any location, on any network," said Renu Upadhyay, vice president of technical and product marketing, end-user IT at VMware. VMware said that Anywhere Workspace meets customer demand for an integrated product offering. An integration between Workspace One and Carbon Black Cloud will bring together "the security and management capabilities of physical and virtual endpoints," for example, while Workspace One and SASE will enable unreliable network access to points of presence deployed at scale. global. More integrations are planned in the future. The shift to remote work has revealed weaknesses in IT operations and business infrastructure, especially when it comes to managing end-user workspaces or work environments, said Phil Hochmuth, IDC program vice president in charge of mobility. corporate. VMware's Anywhere Workspace tools can help here, he said. “Getting devices delivered, installed, configured and secured to spec was a huge challenge for organizations where all the tools they used to do so were based on the premise that the device would be within the company perimeter. enterprise LANS firewalls or remote VPN/WAN setups),” he said. Available now, Anywhere Workspace is priced based on the individual products being used.
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