Tailwinds for the South Korean Crypto Industry; Bitcoin, ether diving

"Now Europe is looking for new sources of natural gas to replace Russian imports, which account for 38% of the gas imported into the European Union. In addition to Qatar, European nations are talking to gas producers in Angola, Algeria, Libya and the United States. United States, according to officials in those countries. (The Wall Street Journal) ... "We are preparing a complete exit of fossil fuels from Russia, starting with oil, but without exporting our energy crisis to other countries. We need to think globally, invest in #renewables around the world and build energy partnerships (German Foreign Ministry) ... "Modern know-your-customer and anti-money-laundering (KYC/AML) rules are equivalent to today's financial bloodshed: they do little good and can do great harm." damage. However, whether we like it or not, the KYC/AML nightmare is coming to crypto." (CoinDesk Contributor Boaz Sobrado) ... "Ethereum could have been less complex, Buterin writes. His virtual machine could have used existing code instead of a custom solution. Its developers could have opted for a raw version of the proof-of-stake (the consensus algorithm that will eventually secure Ethereum) that existed in 2013. Ethereum could have been "more like Bitcoin," Buterin said, referring to that first blockchain. , which aims to do one thing well: serve as a global layer of peer-to-peer deals denominated in a secure digital bearer asset, BTC. (CoinDesk Deputy Opinion Editor Daniel Kuhn)