Turn Your Holiday Leftovers Into Tasty Toast With This Viral TikTok Air Fryer Recipe

Turn Your Holiday Leftovers Into Tasty Toast With This Viral TikTok Air Fryer Recipe

Christmas wouldn't be Christmas if it weren't for cooking enough food to feed a small army. Still, knowing what to do with all the leftovers can be tricky. Especially if you do not want to resort to the good old, throw it in a pan and fry it again.

We recently turned to TikTok for inspiration and found a new way to use leftovers in the form of holiday toasts. This toast can not only be baked in one of the best deep fryers on the market, but it even includes the famous Moist Maker (a slice of bread dipped in sauce) from the TV show Friends.

In fact, @emilyscooking's (opens in a new tab) Christmas Leftovers sandwich on TikTok seems to be inspired by the scene where a coworker eats a sandwich made for Ross by Monica with leftovers from the Day. Thanksgiving.

We've outlined our favorite version of this recipe below and it's so quick, easy and flavorful you won't even realize you're eating leftovers.

The best air fryer deals

If you haven't gotten an air fryer this holiday and would like to try this recipe we found, check out our top-rated air fryers below, all of which are available to buy now at the best prices.

Air Fryer Christmas Leftovers Recipe

This toast recipe is perfect for holiday leftovers, but it can also be used year-round for all kinds of leftovers.

We've summarized our version of the toast below, but given the nature of this recipe, you can substitute any of the ingredients inside or out depending on what's left and your personal tastes.

@emilycooking_ (opens in a new tab) ♬ Let It Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! - Dean Martin(Opens in a new tab)

Leftover Air Fryer Christmas Toast Ingredient

We haven't listed fixed amounts for all of the ingredients below, as it will depend on how hungry you are, the size of your loaf, and how many leftovers you have. Rather, these numbers should be used as a guide.

Ingredients for Leftover Christmas Toast

(Image credit: Victoria Woollaston)

Air Fryer Christmas Toast Leftovers Method

We used the Tower T17099 Vortx Eco Double Basket Air Fryer, set to 200°C (392°F) for five minutes. We have tested the recipe several times and it has been the optimal combination of heat and time to create the tastiest toast.

However, timing can vary, so before eating any hot leftovers, make sure the toast is piping hot. This is to prevent food poisoning from ruining your vacation.

Leftover Christmas toast with cheese on top in a deep fryer

We used the Tower T17099 Vortx Eco double basket air fryer, set to 200°C for five minutes, to make our leftover Christmas toasts (Image credit: Victoria Woollaston)

Step 1: Cut the baggy bread into two large slices while you soak a third slice of bread in the sauce.

2nd step: Spread cranberry sauce on each slice of baggy bread.

Step 3: Start by placing your leftovers on one of these slices of bread. We prefer to have a layer of meat products at the bottom, but you can arrange the ingredients in any order you like.

Christmas leftovers layered inside a baggy sandwich

(Image credit: Victoria Woollaston)

Step 4: Place the sauce-soaked slice of bread, the Moist Maker, on top of this bottom layer. At any time, you can add seasonings or seasonings to your liking.

Step 5: On top of the Moist Maker, layer the remaining ingredients and finish the toast by placing the second slice of bread on top.

Christmas Leftovers in a Tower Air Fryer Recipe

(Image credit: Victoria Woollaston)

Step 6: Sprinkle the grated cheese on top of the bloomer and place it in the hot air fryer for five minutes at 200°C. This should allow plenty of time for the ingredients to heat to a safe temperature and for the cheese to melt.

If after five minutes the ingredients are not hot enough, you can put the toast back in the deep fryer for as long as needed. Of course, we recommend removing the layer covered in cheese once cooked, to prevent it from burning and becoming bitter.

Step 7: Cut in half and serve.

Point: We always save some sauce to dip our toast.

Verdict on Leftover Christmas Toast from the Deep Fryer

Leftover Christmas toast is a tasty and comforting way to use up leftover food with minimal effort. It helps you prolong the festive feasting a little longer, and in the UK it will make a delicious and hearty Boxing Day lunch. The only limit to this toast is your imagination.

If you don't have an air fryer, it is possible to toast this toast in a standard oven. However, in our experience, it takes longer to bring ingredients to the desired, safe temperature with this method, so it may need to take longer.

If you're still sitting on the fence and wondering if you should buy an air fryer, you can read our article on deciding if air fryers are worth it.

Leftover Christmas toast cut in half

(Image credit: Victoria Woollaston)