Too many employees are putting highly sensitive data at risk

Too many employees are putting highly sensitive data at risk

Protecting the security and integrity of data has become one of the biggest challenges for most businesses these days, but unfortunately, employees don't seem to share the same sentiment, as data management practices for many of they are anything but safe.

A Western Digital report based on a survey of 737 data managers and 1467 data users in the UK, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates found that nearly 25% of employees believe that could have put very sensitive information. data. data at risk in the last 12 months.

That said, it's no surprise that a majority of data stewards (68%) believe that employee behavior is a greater threat to the security of their highly sensitive data than external hackers and various malicious actors.

Data protection while working remotely

Additionally, fewer than two in five data users (37%) use HDDs and SSDs to share data. Instead, most will use email to share files. In fact, email is the second most popular method of sharing data, even though only 13% of data stewards recommend it or believe it's safe to use.

Things have only gotten more difficult since Covid-19, remote work, and hybrid work setups. A third of data stewards (35%) believe that employees lack the tools and technology to protect their data from home, while 33% feel "psychologically more 'removed' from risk" when working remotely .

Cloud technologies are now "commonly" used to share and store data, Western Digital added, saying that nearly all (87%) of those surveyed believe cloud data leaks and leaks have become a problem. "significant" or "moderate".

Despite all this, data managers have a solution, the report concludes. More than half (54%) plan to use HDDs or SSDs more over the next two years, while three-quarters (76%) see HDDs and SSDs with or with encryption as a great way to address many data security issues. .