Three Smart Shortcuts for a Curiously Hidden Google Chrome OS Command

three smart shortcuts for a Google Chrome OS command I am curiously hiding
            Escuchen, escuchen, mis compañeros usuarios de Chromebook: ¿Alguna vez he tenido las cosas nuevas y sabrosas para , uh, para ?
It's a really handy shortcut that you can add to your Google Chrome OS computer to fill a curious gap and make your system much easier to use. Intriguing, don't you think? Here's the thing: for each and every advance Google has made with Google Chrome OS over the years, and not surprisingly, there have been many! - Certain supposedly exceptionally simple feats have strangely gone unchallenged. We have a (still buried) way to restore your apps and windows and prevent that darn blank browser window from appearing every time you reboot your separate Chromebook, say, around a decade later. The beginning of the life of the platform. And this topic today is in the same category as "How can we not do it again?" "quirks. The main difference is that Google hasn't really approached this yet, so it's up to you to find or come up with the creative solution. I'm talking about the annoying lack of a simple reset command in the Google Chrome OS software This is one thing that came up lately during a chat with one of my Android Intelligence Platinum community members, so I considered scratching this fuzzy old mammal and finding a solution.Honestly, I never thought Chromebooks didn't have a feature Simple on-screen reboot, but the clever Homo sapien who asked me the question was absolutely right: if you look at the quick settings panel, from Google Chrome OS, you have one-click the button to turn off your computer, and that's all:

Configuración rápida de Chrome OSJR Strange, isn't it this way? But as with most things on GoogleLand, there's a pretty simple solution. In truth, there are quite a few. Choose your adventure:

The Google Chrome OS Restart Shortcut - The Custom Command Option

First of all, you can take the matter in your hands and create your adapted Google Chrome OS reset shortcut. The secret lies in a little-known Google Chrome command to start a new beginning: all you have to do is compose chrome: reboot in the address bar of any browser window, and bam - your Chromebook will restart itself. That's really cool, but we can go further and make it a real hack to save time. We'll just rely on the Google Chrome address bar custom action procedure I shared with you a few months back to do a quick create command magic. This is how:
  • Take chrome: parameters in the address bar of any Google Chrome browser window on your Chromebook.
  • Scroll down until you see the Search Engines sections and then click on the row titled "Direct Search Engines".
  • On the next screen that appears, locate the line that says "Other search engines" and click the Add box next to it.
  • Now in the box that appears, enter Restart as a search engine, *r* as a keyword, and chrome: // restart as url - like this:
  • Reiniciar Chrome OSJR Actually, you can make the keyword anything you want: Reiniciar, call for help, SomeoneSave me, or maybe even my boss, if you're gone and/or a tech-savvy dolphin saying things like "oogaboogaheyhey." Whichever keyword you choose, this is going to be the command you type into your browser's address bar every time you want to reboot your Chromebook. simple that you could accidentally enter it. And, not surprisingly, you want it to be something you'll remember. When you've done all that, just hit the Add button to save it, then type that magic word into the address bar and hit Enter whenever you need a fresh start.

    The Google Chrome OS reset shortcut: the browser button option

    If you're more of a clicker than a keyword memorizer, take twenty seconds to bring your new reset shortcut to your browser's address bar as a clickable button. It's simple to do:
  • Go to a Google Chrome window and look for the bookmarks bar, that set of links just below the browser's address bar. If you don't see it, press Ctrl-Shift-B to activate it.
  • Right-click (or click with 2 fingers) anywhere on the bar and choose "Add Page" from the menu that appears.
  • Write Restart by name and chrome: // restart for the URL and click the Save button.
  • Now just find the newly created Restart button in that area (and drag and drop it if you want to move it to a more noticeable location). I told you it was simple!

    The Google Chrome OS reset shortcut: the hardware button combination

    Last but not least, there's a built-in shortcut to the physical buttons on your Chromebook, and that's one thing I think 0.02% of Chromebook owners realize there is. It works well, but depending on the specific characteristics of your device, it may or may not always be as recommendable as the on-screen options we just checked, and it may not be possible at all, Still, especially if you're using a desktop Chromebox or another similar setup. With a typical Chromebook, though, make a mental note: Press and hold the Refresh button on the top row of the keyboard, then press the physical power button, either on the side of the device or in that row. Upper keyboard, according to the device - it will restart your computer. Who knows ?! There you have it: 3 quick and easy ways to restart your Chromebook at any time. Hopefully Google will add a convenient command for this to the onscreen shutdown menu soon, but so far, it has some pretty decent options. Do you want to know even more about Googley? Subscribe to my weekly flyer to get top-notch information and advice delivered straight to your inbox. Boletín de AI
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