This open source software brings back one of the most beloved features of Windows 7

This open source software brings back one of the most beloved features of Windows 7

The move from the Windows 7 Start menu to Live Tiles, first introduced in Windows 8, caught many by surprise, and while Windows 10 now lets you access the Start menu from the desktop, many users prefer it. it still has the appearance of the traditional start menu. . Fortunately, the open source software Open Shell (originally known as Classic Shell) has you covered because it lets you replace the Windows 8 and 10 Start menu with one that's more like the Windows 7 Start menu. If you're still using Windows 8, Open Shell also lets you bypass the full-screen Start menu and start right on the desktop. To start using Open Shell to change the appearance of the Windows 10 Start menu, you first need to go to the Github website and download the program. Once downloaded, double click on the executable to begin installing the software on your system. It should be noted that if you only want to change the appearance of your Start menu, you need to uncheck the Classic Explorer and Classic IE options during installation. Leaving these options checked will also change the way File Explorer and Internet Explorer appear on your system. Open Shell allows you to choose between three different Start Menu styles: Classic, Classic with two columns, and Windows 7 style. The Classic style only shows your recently used apps and a list of all apps, while the Classic two-column style shows recently used apps and settings, and finally, the Windows 7 style recreates the Windows 7 Start menu interface. If you want to continue playing with Open Shell, you can do so by opening the "Basic Settings" menu, which will allow you to configure advanced options for open source software. Via BleepingComputer