This new De'Longhi coffee machine finally eliminates the worst of espresso making at home

This new De'Longhi coffee machine finally eliminates the worst of espresso making at home

Whether you prefer a short, intense espresso or a long, buttery latte, there's nothing better than a daily dose of caffeine. The best espresso machines let you play barista and enjoy hot coffee-worthy beverages at home anytime, while saving money. However, even for coffee lovers, not every coffee is going to be consistent. This is because by the time the ground coffee has been added to the basket in the portafilter, ready to be shot through, it must be tamped or squeezed to ensure it is level. Many espresso machine users find this difficult, as the portafilter has a downward spout, which dispenses the coffee and does not rest on the counter. De'longhi seeks to put an end to this inconvenience with his latest coffee machine. The De'Longhi La Specialista Arte, which retails for €XNUMX / €XNUMX and is available to buy now, comes with a silicone filler pad that holds the portafilter level while which is filled, which makes it much easier to create a flat, 'binder washing machine' (learn to talk barista, that's the term for compressed ground coffee). It also protects your kitchen counter, so it won't scratch or scar if you're overzealous with your filler.

The home trend

The global pandemic has started an expensive trend of preparing food and beverages from scratch, from recipe kits that let you recreate your favorite restaurant meals at home, to investing in an espresso maker so you can enjoy a hot beverage even if you is your favorite. the cafeteria had been closed. This trend is expected to continue, with XNUMX% of Americans saying they plan to continue cooking at home as long as they do throughout the pandemic, according to research by sales and marketing firm Acosta. Nearly half of Americans have become 'quaristas,' short for 'quarantine baristas,' the brand term for patrons who used the time during lockdown to hone their skills, according to research by Mr. Coffee. Baristas brew hundreds and hundreds of cups of coffee each day, so they are good at creating a seamless level washer, which is essential as this ensures that the pressurized water passes evenly through the ground coffee, which results in a smooth and also intense texture. espresso that is not bitter. However, the average consumer isn't going to make this many coffees a day anywhere, so they won't have as much experience creating the perfect puck, which will leave them frustrated if the coffee they lovingly brewed is weak or well bitter. Anything that can make it easier to create great coffee consistently is a welcome addition to home coffee makers. This is not the only part of the coffee-making process that De'Longhi has meditated on with La Specialista Arte. The machine also includes a handy funnel, which ensures that filling the filter basket with ground coffee from the integrated grinder is much less difficult. There's a reason coffee shops set up their espresso machines in such a way that customers can't see the brewed coffee, since the whole process is complicated. Ground coffee is everywhere, and let's be honest, nobody loves cleaning as much as they love making and drinking coffee. All you need to do is put the silicone filter supplied with De'Longhi La Especialista Arte into the filter holder and also insert it into the holder under the grinder. Now the ground coffee will dispense directly into the portafilter without spilling everywhere. Little details like these make those of us who enjoy making coffee at home feel like 'real' baristas, taking the mess and frustration out of the process and leaving us alone, free to focus on the end result. product.