This game for iPhone and iPad can be legally prescribed to help children with ADHD

This game for iPhone and iPad can be legally prescribed to help children with ADHD

One week video games are bad for you, the next they're good: Today, a video game has been legally approved to help with ADHD (ADHD), which means they're good again, right? In a landmark decision by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), doctors can now prescribe an iPhone and iPad set for kids ages 8 to 12 with ADHD (thanks, The Verge). Keep in mind, then, that this only applies to the United States, not the rest of the world. The game is called EndeavorRx and it was developed by Akili Interactive. It doesn't sound like much, sure, but the game has undergone seven years of clinical trials that have studied more than 600 children to determine if the game could actually help with ADHD. And it turns out that it is possible.

play your medicine

"We are proud to make history today with the FDA's decision," said Eddie Martucci, Ph.D., CEO of Akili Interactive. "With EndeavorRx, we are using technology to help treat a condition in a whole new way as we directly target neurological function through entertainment-like drugs. With today's FDA decision, we are delighted to offer families a one-of-a-kind drug-free treatment option and take an important first step toward our goal of helping everyone living with cognitive impairment.” See the game in action below: One-third of kids who played EndeavorRx for 25 minutes a day, five days a week for four weeks "no longer had a measurable attention deficit on at least one objective measure of attention. Common side effects included frustration (get well, kid) and headaches, which are obviously minor compared to what most prescription drugs can cause.

Game in

Despite getting FDA approval, the developer himself, who used his own doctors for the tests, reveals at the end of the study that his finding "is not sufficient to suggest that AKL-T01 should be used as an alternative to the recommendations ADHD."That's not to say the iPhone game won't help: it's another option doctors can try if they're hesitant to prescribe medication. We know that video games can help us stay fit, socialize and compete for big money if you're an esports lover, but this is the first time we've seen a video game win in recognition as a medical treatment. EndeavorRx isn't available yet, but the developer told The Verge that there are currently a limited number of families signed up. You can visit the company's website and join a waiting list to stay informed if you want more information.