The upcoming PS5 console exclusive will get a free demo next week

The upcoming PS5 console exclusive will get a free demo next week

Square Enix's upcoming online action RPG Babylon's Fall will be the next console exclusive to release on PlayStation, and you'll be getting a free demo on February 25 as the game's release nears.

Available on PS5 and PS4, the demo will allow you to explore the game's opening area through several hours of story content, allowing you to familiarize yourself with its basic concepts and the many character types on offer.

You can dive into the game solo or team up with three friends in four-player co-op. Plus, all data saved during the trial (including progress and achievements) can be carried over to the full game after launch, giving you a bit of a head start if you ever decide to pick it up again.

Square Enix also said that anyone who logs into the game during its first season of content will automatically receive the game's Premium Battle Pass for free. However, it's unclear if this applies to demo players, and it's not yet known how much the Battle Pass costs. it will cost.

Babylon's Fall is scheduled to release on March 3, a week after the release of this demo. If you spit a little more for the digital deluxe edition of the game, you'll have the game a little earlier on February 28.

It's also scheduled to release on PC on the same date, but this demo appears to be exclusive to PS4 and PS5.

You can pre-order the game for $59.99 / £59.99 / AU$99.95.

Analysis: Is a demo the best way to test a title live?

A character casting a spell in Babylon's Fall

(Image credit: Square Enix)

Co-developed by Square Enix and Bayonetta developer PlatinumGames, Babylon's Fall revolves around a fluid cooperative combat system as well as its quirky fantasy world that is reportedly inspired by the aesthetics of medieval oil paintings. . Playing the role of Magical Sentinels, you will team up to fight your way through the Tower of Babel, collect loot and complete increasingly difficult challenges.

Although Babylon's Fall may not be called a live service game, it seems pretty close. Its developers promised to keep the game updated with new game modes, areas, and story content after its release, adding more features to the game for free. While it seems to focus on small team cooperative multiplayer rather than competitive matches, ongoing content releases should definitely give it a live service feel.

But whether a short demo of a few hours can give you a substantial idea of ​​a live game is a bit debatable. Games like Destiny 2 and Apex Legends are loved for their evolution over time. A quick snapshot of these games probably won't do them justice; they require you to invest countless hours to fully appreciate the development of their stories and metagames.

Regardless, if you're interested in Babylon's Fall but not completely swayed, their try-before-you-buy demo will be worth a look. At the very least, you'll know if PlantinumGames' new multiplayer lens is right for you.

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