The She-Hulk MCU TV Show On Disney Plus Has Finally Chosen Its Hero

The She-Hulk MCU TV Show On Disney Plus Has Finally Chosen Its Hero

Marvel Studios has chosen the character of She-Hulk for its upcoming Disney Plus series of the same name, which will take place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Orphan Black and Perry Mason star Tatiana Maslany will play Jennifer Walters, who in the comics is Bruce Banner's cousin. This report came from Deadline, and head writer Jessica Gao (who worked on Rick and Morty) seemed to corroborate it from her own Twitter account, as she tweeted a welcome from Bruce Banner actor Mark Ruffalo to Maslany:

???? Sep 17, 2020 A key difference between She-Hulk and the original Hulk is that Walters retains her sense of self when she's in hiding, in a way that's no different than how she was portrayed at the time. Hulk himself in Avengers: Endgame. . Popular interpretations of the character have focused on She-Hulk's day job as a lawyer, such as writer Dan Slott's 2004 comic book series. This book was an Ally McBeal-infused comedy in which Walters would end up replacing low-cost superheroes or villains in the courtroom; our best guess is that this will shape the shape of the series. No release date has been set for She-Hulk, but we imagine she'll follow The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, WandaVision, and Loki, all of whom are spinning, and possibly even.
the television show Hawkeye. Prolific comedy director Kat Coiro (Dead To Me, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia) is working on episodes of the series.

Who is Tatiana Maslany?

If you're a fan of TV shows, you've probably met Maslany in two places before: Orphan Black, the BBC America sci-fi series where Maslany played multiple clones of the same character, and the recent Perry Mason show on HBO. where she had a memorable role as preacher and faith healer Alice McKeegan. Maslany's cast here is significant. This is the first new MCU superhero we've seen on any of the Disney Plus TV shows; the other shows we know of are based on existing characters from the movies. This gives us an idea of ​​the level of talent that Marvel brings to the small screen, sowing the seeds for these new heroes to end up making their way into the cinema.