The PS5 could mark the end of screen loading after Sony's patent.

The PS5 could mark the end of screen loading after Sony's patent.

Imagine the scene. You walk in an immense enchanted forest. Tree lines seem to travel for miles, birds in the distance travel impossible distances, and your adventure doesn't seem to end unless you've reached a loading screen. As today's gaming worlds grow, developers and console manufacturers must find new ways to keep gameplay a smooth experience, without having to moan through a 30-second loading screen every time. Once you get into an elevator or open a door (we look at you, Fallout). But a Sony patent describes a type of charging software designed to prevent this from happening. Sony's patent, "System and method of dynamic loading of game software for smooth gameplay" - who, at the time of writing, seems to have collapsed due to the number of users who have tried to read their page - describes a technology that follows the movement of the player. through your environment, loading the relevant assets when you move into certain areas. The patent describes the process as follows: "A system and method for dynamically loading game software for smooth gameplay is described. A loading limit associated with a game environment is identified. The position of a character in the game environment is monitored. Instructions for an upcoming game environment are loaded into a memory when the character crosses the load limit, so the game doesn't get interrupted."

Game interrupted

Technically, this patent is the continuation of a previous patent filed in 2012, but with additional features for players/characters who exceed the previous "load limit". These can be additional events triggered by passing certain points, with some sections of the game environments visible even though they are not adjacent, or previous areas loading again upon returning through the boundary. It looks like a version of the technology used in games like God of War, which allowed for a continuous camera throughout the game, with no loading screen, or Breath of the Wild, which managed to manage a large open environment, even on low switch. nintendo power. Using dynamic methods to load or remove level sections, including the types of enemy characters, creatures, or resources found there, will become increasingly crucial to ensuring an immersive experience that doesn't. it is not regularly interrupted, ensuring that loading occurs dynamically. in the background of your games instead of at defined points that make the game unable to do anything else.

The PS5 makes fun of your loading times.

Although there is no mention of the future PS5 console in the patent itself, it is not difficult to make a connection. Sony will be targeting bigger and bigger games on its updated hardware and we've already seen examples of PlayStation games running with significantly reduced load times on what will become the PS5 hardware. With rendering processes that support 8K resolutions and improved VR performance, the PS5 console will be much better positioned to reduce or completely eliminate loading times, and the updated patent seems to show Sony just how important it will be for gamers looking for immersive experiences. , no matter how demanding they are on their consoles. Through digital trends