They seem tiny, but they are little superfoods, Small but powerful. The seeds they are crops in their first years of life. Because they contain all the essential nutrients for healthy and resilient plant growth, they provide many benefits to our bodies when we eat them. Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, watermelon seeds, and flaxseeds are true superfoods, packing high-quality protein, heart-healthy fats, and essential vitamins and minerals into one small, versatile, and delicious package. Multivitamins: Seeds provide many of the same plant nutrients, fibers, and chemicals that we could never get from a pill. The seeds provide our bodies with nutrient-rich energy and leave a small environmental footprint on Earth. Seeds make food a simple and easy way out of the world. The seeds have a nutritional profile similar to nuts and are an excellent source of plant protein. Schools have been sensitive to nut allergies, and seed-based products offer an alternative snack option for many classrooms. But they're not just for people with food allergies. The seeds are an excellent source of protein and healthy fats for omnivores, paleo diets, and low FODMAP diets, as well as vegans, serve as portable and intestinal fuel for athletes, and enhance optimal immune, hormonal, and cardiovascular health in all bodies. They truly deserve a place in everyone's pantry and can easily be integrated into fun and exciting meals and snacks for you and your family.

Sunflower seeds

The peeled kernels inside the seeds of the large sun-loving sunflower are packed with vitamin E. This vitamin serves as an antioxidant in our bodies and is important in maintaining the strength and integrity of cell membranes. This is why it is often recognized for giving people glowing skin and strong, shiny hair. Just two tablespoons of sunflower seeds provide almost half the recommended daily value for vitamin E, which is amazing given that recent estimates show that more than 90% of Americans don't get enough from their diet. It seems the body can't absorb vitamin E without fat, the oil-packed sunflower seed provides the perfect packaging for our body to use this important antioxidant to its fullest extent. Sunflower seeds also contain thiamine and vitamin B-6, which are essential for a healthy metabolism. This means they help ensure your body gets the most energy from the food you eat, which is essential for keeping up with an active, active schedule. Sunflower seeds are also a great way to get magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, copper, and selenium. Magnesium, when combined with vitamin B-6 like in sunflower seeds, can help reduce PMS symptoms. In addition to maintaining strong bones, proper muscle contraction, and low blood pressure, keeping enough magnesium in our diets can also help us stay calm, cool, and collected by avoiding anxiety symptoms.  

Pumpkin seeds

Green in color, the pips, the seed kernels inside the orange-fleshed squash, are ripe with vitamin K, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and manganese. Offering names that have similar advantages to those of the seeds due to their mineral content, pumpkin seeds are distinguished by the large dose of iron. For those who are vegans and vegetarians who are not iron from animal products, pumpkin seeds are an alternative source. Similar to dark leafy greens, the vitamin K in pumpkin seeds helps promote optimal bone strength and healthy blood clotting. Pepitos are a complete protein, providing all nine essential amino acids, as well as a rich dose of heart-healthy and anti-inflammatory fats.  

Watermelon seeds

Watermelon seeds have been touted as a superfood, and not without reason. They contain more protein than almonds and peanuts and are loaded with magnesium and zinc. Magnesium helps regulate blood pressure and blood sugar. They are also a good source of iron, niacin, and folate. Niacin and folate are B vitamins that support the nervous and digestive systems and promote healthy skin. Last but not least, watermelon seeds contain healthy fats that have been shown to improve blood cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation.