The new Call of Duty simply calls "Modern Warfare" and will arrive in October

The new Call of Duty simply calls "Modern Warfare" and will arrive in October
Going back to the roots of what was once a great franchise, Activision hopes to win fans over again with a "reimagining" of the first game, combining various elements from the sequences. The company promises a more realistic and innovative experience, subsidized by real conflicts, showing the different facets of the story. Discover the trailer: In addition to this new footprint, Activision has released some additional details about the game and the planned monetization model for the title: Various speculations and reports indicate that this new entry in Modern Warfare will go beyond reimagined visual effects: half of the campaign will be seen in the vision of an Arab guerrilla named Farah, originally from an as yet unknown country. but who could be Afghanistan. Modern Warfare will take a morally "gray" view of things, removing the "American hero" and "Muslim terrorist" stereotypes and focusing more on how these conflicts create casualties for Western attacks on the families of innocent people living in these regions. Comparisons to Modern Warfare 2's infamous "Not Russia" mission were made regularly. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will be released on October 25 of this year. - Via Kotaku