The most in-demand skills of XNUMX, according to LinkedIn

The most in-demand skills of XNUMX, according to LinkedIn

LinkedIn today released a comprehensive list of skills employers prioritize when recruiting, posting, and hiring for jobs on the company's site.

"It's true that topics like layoffs are trending on LinkedIn and 'recession' conversations are up nearly XNUMX% since last year," the company said in the report. “The job turnover rate of LinkedIn members worldwide stabilized for the first time since March XNUMX. Regardless of the incident, impending reorganization, or change in strategy, learning in-demand skills can help individuals and teams achieve their career goals in XNUMX, even in the face of a challenging macro environment.

LinkedIn's list includes general skills, such as comprehensive technical skills for any market, and experience required by specific industries, such as technology. The company also highlighted its online training courses for the skills it featured.

When it comes to the top ten general technical skills, computer science topped the list and filled most of the top ten spots.

Number one on this list? Developing software "that companies need to build the products we depend on in our personal and professional lives," LinkedIn said. Data management skills are also essential. Skills like SQL (#XNUMX on the list) help companies manage and make sense of data across the company, and they continue to be in high demand.

The other top ten hard skills are:

Preparing a career for the future with technical and soft skills

The most in-demand IT skills in today's job market include a mix of hard skills, like SQL and cloud computing, and more general skills like project management and more general "admin" and "service desk."

“These skills can help you prepare your career for the future as a marketer, financial analyst or accountant, project manager, business professional, IT professional, engineer or sales professional,” LinkedIn stated. “Employers look for project managers who can provide this advice with understanding, patience and confidence. Even the more difficult skills included here, such as engineering, marketing, and strategy, prove the need for this understanding.

LinkedIn determined the most in-demand experience by examining the most in-demand skills based on 6 months of data from April to October XNUMX from employers, recruiters, and job postings at their career site. Demand was measured by identifying the skills that members who were hired or emailed had, and the skills listed in paid job postings.

In-demand hard skills were identified using the exact same methodology with an auxiliary filter to exclude some of the more common soft skills.

LinkedIn pointed out that projects in the workplace are becoming more complex and technical, and managers need to have a high-level technical, or at least strategic, understanding of a project's relevance to manage it effectively.

Aneesh Raman, vice president of LinkedIn's Opportunity Project, which generated the list of essential skills, said that every company is now a technology company or a technology company, "even if they don't realize it."

"This means that technical skills are becoming some of the most transferable skills in any and every industry, so keeping your technical skills in shape has never been more essential," he said. “LinkedIn data shows that skill sets for jobs around the world have changed by about XNUMX% since XNUMX, and that number is expected to double by XNUMX. A large part of this change has been driven by the emergence of new technologies that change the way we all do our jobs. Not everyone is a tech pro, but everyone can master technology."

Cloud computing skills have appeared in more than one market on LinkedIn's most coveted skills.

With this in mind, the primary rhema skills for IT work are:

Hybrid and Remote Job Shift Skills IT Professionals Need

Hybrid and remote work environments have also created more challenges for IT shops, which may not have access to employee devices. Without in-person access, project management and communication skills become more essential, LinkedIn said.

"IT professionals must be able to assist their colleagues through problem resolution remotely, while carefully managing their time and projects," the report stated.

Not surprisingly, Raman added, some of the most in-demand skills this year include management, communication and leadership. "Soft skills create jobs," he said in an email reply to Computerworld.

“Especially now, given any and all changes in the way we work with the rise of hybrid work and the impact of new artificial intelligence technologies, it is vital to test interpersonal skills, such as the ability to communicate effectively in multiple platforms and time slots or leading a team through change,” Raman said.

In fact, when delving into skills like management or communication, there are many of the same innate abilities, such as empathy, sensitive intelligence, and patience, according to Raman.

"When you hire managers who have these skills, you create resilient and compliant ethnicities," Raman said.

As with the other roles on this list, the skills prove that employers value people's skills, even in the most technical roles.

Late last month, online workplace Indeed released its list of the top 130,000 jobs in the US, and there were more similarities to LinkedIn's list. Indeed's top job went to full-stack developer, which offers an average annual salary of €XNUMX and leaves a mostly remote or hybrid workplace.

In fact, 8 tech jobs made the top ten on Indeed's list, compared to only two tech jobs in the top XNUMX on last year's list.

LinkedIn's list of the most in-demand engineering skills was also, unsurprisingly, dominated by the need for technology expertise. Java and JavaScript top the list.

"JavaScript is typically used to build active websites and platforms that are automatically updated with the latest information and media requirements," LinkedIn said. “Java has an even broader range of applications, but it is most useful for building web and phone applications, and for cloud computing. Meanwhile, SQL, the third most in-demand engineering skill, is used primarily for database administration.

Also, on the list of the ten most in-demand skills for engineering jobs:

Competence-based hiring is in fashion

Communication, leadership and teamwork are also high on the list of desirable soft skills, LinkedIn said.

“These skills help professionals succeed in an ongoing hybrid work environment,” LinkedIn said. "It turns out that remote, hybrid work makes the need for communication skills and human connection more essential than ever, and companies need professionals who can do it well."

College degree requirements are also disappearing from job postings on LinkedIn.

For a long time, Raman said, companies hired candidates primarily based on what LinkedIn calls "pedigrí signals" — what school a person attended, what degree they earned, where they worked and what job title they held. tapeworm.

“It was never the most efficient or fair way to match talent and occasion, but it worked at least for those who could get those pedigree marks,” Raman said. "That's starting to change. People aren't just expecting to be seen for the skills they have, not just the title they have (or don't have), but recruiters are realizing that putting skills in the recruiting center And by narrowing down their opening roles based on the precise skills to get the job done, they can locate better matches and tap into more different talent pools."

In the US, job offers without a degree requirement have increased from XNUMX% in the first month of the year XNUMX to XNUMX% in XNUMX, according to Raman. And employers are increasingly looking beyond an applicant's knowledge or the school he attended to locate great talent; More than XNUMX% of recruiters on LinkedIn now explicitly use skills data to get their work done.

"While titles aren't going away anytime soon, more and more employers are realizing that by simply choosing applicants through this narrow lens, they are actually missing out on highly qualified applicants who are already ready to do the job," Raman said. .

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