Elden Ring update means you can no longer take on the toughest boss

Elden Ring update 1.03 has arrived and it's a mixed bag, depending on your progress. But if you've been putting off fighting the toughest boss in the game, things really aren't going your way today.

Although she goes by many names, Malenia is most commonly referred to as "gah!" », « nooooo! "Where'!'. The toughest boss in the Elden Ring, players used Mimic Tear to force their way through combat. But this battle is going to be a lot more brutal now that the summon has been nerfed.

There are plenty of YouTube videos on the Mimic Tear strategy, and you can see an example above, courtesy of Idicus. Summoning evokes a doppelganger of your character that has the exact same loadout and abilities as you. Think of it as a disposable clone that will drive you to victory.

Obviously, a lot of this particular cheese depends on what items you have equipped. But with a twin by your side, you can change Malenia's life, as well as serve a purpose other than yourself.

Now that the Elden Ring v1.03 patch notes have dropped, this tactic has gone out the window. Reduced the damage dealt by the summoned spirit and also "changed the behavior of the spirit". I highly doubt Fromsoftware decided to make it more intuitive to give it a break.

The difficulty will escalate in an already difficult fight, so expect that. There are some additional tweaks that have been implemented that may rain down on your parade for different reasons; but there are also positive aspects!


You can read the full patch notes for Elden Ring update 1.03 below, but there are some pretty big points of interest outside of the Mimic Tear nerf.

The first is a fix for the Death Blight version that terrifies players in PvP. The tl version; dr is that Fire's Mortal Sin enchantment had an unintended effect when combined with the Eclipse Shotel. The result? You are dead. The patch fixed this now, so seeing an invader cast the enchantment doesn't mean instant death.

The next big and very welcome addition to the game is a bunch of new quest stages for NPCs. So let's hope you didn't kill Diallos, Nepheli Loux, Kenneth Haight, or Gatekeeper Gostoc. Some publishers have already butchered Ken for his golden seed and they're not too happy about it. Let this teach you to be nice to NPCs (unless they really ask for it).

Another nifty update is the "function to save an icon and the name of an NPC on the map when you meet that NPC."

You can check out the full breakdown below, but here are the highlights to watch out for that could have the biggest effect on your game.

Elden Ring 1.03 Patch Notes

Additional items added

Error corrected

balance changes