The best Star Wars games in the galaxy

The best Star Wars games in the galaxy

Looking for the best Star Wars games of all time in a distant galaxy? Since George Lucas decided to stick the Star Wars logo on pretty much everything and sell it, we had the opportunity to witness a series of stellar video games that undermine the rich world of this series of intergalactic enemy bounty hunters, Jedi mystics, and Stormtroopers. for all its worth.

For nearly four decades, Star Wars games of all genres and genres have covered every gaming platform available, from handheld consoles to home consoles to arcade machines. Sword-slashing fighters, asteroid-avoiding flight simulators, Rodian racers - you name it, the expansive Star Wars universe has facilitated a wide and wonderful array of video games.

That said, after playing almost every Star Wars game in my life (for my sins, I was one of the idiots who bought the mid-game The Phantom Menace on the original PlayStation), I can admit that my heart is a bit heavy. For every good game on this digital system, there are three or four draws.

But don't be afraid, Star Wars fans! After all, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hatred. And so on

When Star Wars is licensed to a developer who loves the series as much as millions of aspiring Jedi, the games can be really cool. (We are certainly paying attention to the release of Respawn: Fallen Order Jedi Star Wars later this year.)

Whether it's arcade arcades or the new heights of virtual reality, Force is strong with these best Star Wars games in the galaxy.

Honorable Mentions - Star Wars: Republic Commando, The Unleashed Force

We'll start with a few games that, while good, just haven't been selected for this list.

First, the Star Wars: Republic Commando Xbox and Windows console. It's a solid game, often cited (from a purely technical standpoint) as one of the best Star Wars games of all time. But that doesn't really sound like a Star Wars game. It's more of a Tom Clancy title with the Metroid UI. And the fact that it thrives in the worst conditions does not help its cause. Good game? Yes. Good Star Wars game? I would argue no.

Then there is Star Wars: The Unleashed Force. This third-person shooter was actually a cannon until JJ Abrams' The Force Awakens erased the slate from the extended universe.

Giving you the opportunity to play as an apprentice from the Dark Side powered by Darth Vader, it featured all the pitfalls of a great Star Wars game: good lightsaber battles, great board pieces, great use of iconic characters, and great production value. . But it's a relatively short game that gets pretty repetitive, as if the developers are out of breath (or more likely money) halfway through. It's definitely worth taking part in a Steam sale for a solid weekend in a distant galaxy far away.

Now, onto the main event...

10. Star Wars galaxies

Let's start this post with a big caveat: Star Wars Galaxies wasn't a great game. The now-defunct MMO has undergone so many revisions that it has even alienated its great fans at the closing of the title in 2003, in 2011.

But what the Galaxies had was boundless ambition and great ideas, if not always the way to implement them. Rather than being completely combat-oriented, Galaxies was community-focused. Do you want to be the bartender at Cantina? Of course, you can live in the game that way. Or an artist? Or a smuggler? Or a musician? Or taxi service. Everything is possible. Do you want to own your own home, your own piece of land? All of this was promised, as well as the usual "become a Jedi" gimmick.

Better yet, it knew the magic of the universe, although it was later canceled (a change that the main players felt fury of), at first only a handful of players would become Jedi, having fulfilled a grueling set of criteria.

But many of his best ideas were eventually watered down, crushed under the weight of World of Warcraft's ambition and threat. While Bioware's The Old Republic MMO would eventually become a much more refined (and less exciting) Star Wars online game, only the Galaxies really came close to this sense of life and breath in the world of Star Wars.

9. Star Wars: Empire at War

There have been a lot of Star Wars RTS games, which is quite logical. This is called 'WARS' after all, and arguably the biggest scene in the series is this land battle on Hoth. Among the many strategy games, Star Wars: Empire at War was the best.

By allowing you to play as one of the major Star Wars factions, the battles took place both on land and in space just prior to the original trilogy. With hero characters and an excellent slightly branching campaign, it ticked enough boxes for all RTS players to be happy. Of course, it didn't have the depth, say, of the Total War games. But Total War games don't have Tie Fighters.

8. Star Wars Episode I: Runner

The Phantom Menace was a bunch of… bantha meat. I will never forgive George Lucas for Jar Jar Binks, or for (spoiler alert!) killing Dark Maul after seeing him on screen for about five minutes. But it's hard to argue with the excitement of the Pod Racer scene.

In the end, it wasn't a bad game either. Originally designed for the Nintendo 64 (Dreamcast, PS2 and even a higher version of the arcade machine, with its full cockpit finally produced), Star Wars Episode I: Racer has turned the scene into a real endeavor.

Somewhere between Wipeout and Mario Kart, it offered a great campaign mode that allowed you to upgrade parts for your pod racer, buying parts from the seedy Watto dealer. With winding courses in canyons that require you to float from one side of the abyss to the other, there have been some heart-to-mouth moments.

7. LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga

There have been so many releases that it's hard to remember that LEGO sets as we know them today were released in the Star Wars universe. LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga was the definitive version, bringing two great games together in one package.

By reducing the epic of the galaxy to very smooth proportions, each key scene of the film comes to enchanting life in block form. It contains many unlockable items and is perfect for multiplayer on the couch, accompanied by a young Padawan. A well made complementary game.

6. Star Wars Arcade (1983)

Hands in the air if you remember this first time? Probably the most influential game on this list, Atari's vision of the Star Wars universe was revolutionary in its day.

Although it seems strange now, the high-speed line drawings and digitized voices from Star Wars Arcade seemed out of this world in 1983. I even know that the Death Star trench featured here has its charm, a precursor to the trackers that They will dominate the arcades for decades to come, as well as the standard for the X-Wing flight simulations of the future. It's really worth adding a room if you can find the machine that is still working in a dusty area of ​​a game room.

5. Super Star Wars

Super Star Wars, the first in a shoot-em-up trilogy for the SNES, was also the most powerful.

Discreet by today's standards, it was one of the most colorful ways to experience the Star Wars universe interactively. By allowing you to control Luke, Han, and Chewie (as well as some amazing vehicle missions), you'll see everything from the streets of Mos Eisley inside a Sandcrawler to the climactic race through the Death Star.

Of course, take some liberties with the property (remember when Luke shot all the Jawas, or when he was almost killed by the giant green rabbit thing?). But in the 16-bit era, it was the best it could be.

4. Rogue Squad II: Snape's Leader

Red Five waiting...

The Rogue Squad pilots are truly the unsung heroes of the Star Wars universe, with two death stars and an AT-AT army. The Rogue Squadron series lights them up properly.

An excellent set of action-oriented flight simulators, Rogue Squadron II - Rogue Leader was the best of the bunch. Being under the control of virtually every aircraft available to the Rebel Alliance (as well as a few secret Easter egg ships) was superb, making clever use of the Nintendo Gamecube hardware. There were also some impressive missions spread throughout the Star Wars universe, including an extremely challenging level on the mining planet Bespin.

3. Star Wars Battlefront

A recent and very correct game, Star Wars Battlefront harnesses the full power of the console, modern consoles, and modern computers to render and render the most iconic Star Wars battlefields almost photorealistic.

Whether fighting under the feet of an AT-AT on Hoth or wandering the Sea of ​​Dunes with a thermal detonator in hand, the 40 games played by Battlefront will feel epic. Excellent graphics and fantastic sound effects make this first person shooter the most accurate aspect of the Star Wars universe.

And It Gets Better As of December 2016, PS4 gamers with access to a PlayStation VR headset get a completely free upgrade that lets them... AN X-WING VR MISSION. For a gift, it's phenomenal, putting it "inside" the cockpit of this iconic ship, ready to take on an entire fleet of Tie Fighters. Which fits well into our next game...

2. Fighting loop

Often considered one of the best PC games of all time, not to mention Star Wars games, Tie Fighter (the 1993 sequel to Star Wars: X-Wing) has reversed the game by letting you play the role of A Nasty. imperial pilot.

With a heartbreaking story (portraying the Empire as law-abiding and not bad guys), the first cockpit action was complemented by clever mission briefings and stunning visuals for the time. Many games (like Force Unleashed) would later run with the guilty pleasure of playing against the bad guys, but Tie Fighter felt brave for his direction.

It's a bit difficult to get into these days given the modern conveniences we're used to and the fact that Tie Fighter was best played with a dedicated flight sim team that didn't really have a comparable ### Modern Equivalent, but it can. For it to be operational in its optimal state, it is easy to fall in love with the dark side again.

1. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Would there have been another game at the top of this list? Taking into account BioWare's experience in the Baldur's Gate RPG series and its transfer to the Star Wars universe, Star Wars: The Knights of the Old Republic is a classic RPG and genre. RPG.

Excellently written (and cleverly laid out many years before the influence of ALL Star Wars events could alter history), Knights of the Old Republic was a legend that featured memorable characters, a clever combat system, and beautiful locations.

This ticked almost every box, from training to Jedi to exploring key locations in the Star Wars universe. And this was done without having the impression of compromising the Star Wars universe or the gameplay in general.

First release on the original Xbox, it is now easily readable on PC, Mac, and all major mobile platforms. So you have no excuse not to dive back into this classic title, which holds up surprisingly well to this day.

Hopefully, BioWare will one day be able to visit this galaxy (offline) again.