The best prices, sales and cheap offers of PS Vita in July 2020

The best prices, sales and cheap offers of PS Vita in July 2020
So, are you looking for a cheap price for PS Vita? With worldwide production of Sony's console halted in 2019, now is the time to sell a PS Vita before it's too late. Many places charge a small fortune or only sell used/refurbished models, but we regularly scan the net for the best prices. Check out our comparison chart below to find the best price on a PS Vita. The PS Vita is a brilliant handheld gaming console, certainly the most powerful and graphically impressive we've seen before the Nintendo Switch came on the scene. It can even be used to stream games from your PS4. Hardcore gamers with money to spend should feel confident nabbing this monster and throwing some great launch games out there with great speed. For someone else, it's about training if you think it's worth it. If you just want to play 99p puzzle games, stick with your mobile phone or tablet, but they won't be able to do everything the Vita can. But if you have decided to buy one, you have come to the right place. We've got all the cheapest PS Vita prices in one place. If you're more interested in a full-size console, check out our cheap PS4 deals.

Cheapest PS Vita prices

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1. Sony PS Vita Slim Award (2014)

The latest PS Vita model is slimmer and has better battery life. The latest PS Vita model is the "Slim" from 2014. Sony has made subtle changes to this model, both internally and externally, but they are mostly welcome improvements. The design changes make it a more portable and comfortable system, albeit at the expense of the OLED screen which has now been replaced by an LCD screen. The console is about 20% thinner (about 3mm) than the original, bringing it down to 15mm. It's also 42g lighter, which is most immediately noticeable when you choose the Vita Slim up. The best PS Vita Slim deals of the day Sony PlayStation Vita WiFi ... PS Vita Slim - Lime Green / ...

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2. Price of Sony PS Vita (original)

The original PS Vita has a better display (OLED) There are a few reasons why you might go for the original 2012 PS Vita compared to the 2014 redesign. First, if you can find a lot, there's absolutely no reason not to pick one up. . It's just as powerful and plays all the same games. Also, this version has a much-touted OLED screen that's better than the LCD unit in the 2014 model. Certainly, this older model doesn't have the same impressive battery life, but it all comes down to price. If the current deals are that good on the 2014 model, we recommend going for this one. If you can see an original super cheap model, go for it! Today's best PS Vita deals Sony Computer Entertainment... PlayStation Vita 3G/Wi-Fi...