Best Digital Board Games to Play Online with Friends and Family

Best Digital Board Games to Play Online with Friends and Family
It will be a different Christmas, and many of us will not be able to spend it with the people we would like. One silver lining to this very disruptive year, however, is that everyone has been forced to become more tech-savvy. Chances are, even your lonely grandparents and uncles living in log cabins have mastered the magic of webcams and Zoom calls. A natural extension of the above skill set is playing digital board games online. Many of these games do a great job of recreating the family experience of gathering around a table with friends or family this Christmas, competing or cooperating with one another in pursuit of victory. So we've put together a list of digital board games (and sites to play), that will let you play everything from chess to modern board games, board games, and even D&D remotely.


(Image credit: Tabletopia)


If the people joining you for a session of online board games have tightened their pockets as a result of holiday shopping, Tabletopia is a frugal and affordable option. The site offers more than 1,500 board games, ranging from classics like chess and digital card packs, to modern games like Secret Hitler, Carcassonne, and the excellent card game Wingspan for bird watching. Some games will require the host to opt into a subscription plan (starting at €5 per month, cancel anytime), but once they get it, other players can join their games for free via a URL link .

Simulador de mesa

(Image credit: Berserk Games)

Table simulator

Tabletop Simulator is part of a freeform 3D sandbox board game simulator where you can sit back and take tabletop games seriously or just flip the entire tabletop, sending coins flying. The possibilities are limitless. You can play classics like Chess and Mahjong, purchase new board games like Scythe and Wingspan as paid DLC, or dive into the world of custom games, including real games like Catan and Secret Hitler, as well as all new creations. Only one person needs to have a DLC for others to join in, and if your friends are reluctant to buy the base game, you can always connect them to your PC via Parsec, allowing you to stream your local PC games. for online gamers to join, alone. a copy is required!


(Image credit: The Orr Group)


The onset of the global pandemic has put many Dungeons and Dragons campaigns on hold. Fortunately, this online toolkit and virtual tabletop for D&D, Call of Cthulhu, Pathfinder, and a myriad of other tabletop RPGs have been around since 2012 and have taken on the challenge of taking on a large number of players since the beginning of 2020. Roll20 lets you play online tabletop RPGs with digital character sheets, dynamic music, voice and video chat, and detailed virtual desktops. The basic version is free, though Game Masters may need to unlock one of the two paid tiers to do things like remove ads, use dynamic lighting, and share tabletop features with people playing their campaign.

Drawful 2

(Image credit: Jackbox Games)

drawful 2

With its emphasis on sleazy designs you can't go back to, Drawful 2 is a modern digitized version of Pictionary, and a worthy alternative if some people are celebrating Christmas from afar this year. The idea is that one player draws something based on a weird and wacky suggestion made by the game, and then the other players give their own interpretations of what the drawing is. The more players buy your design description, the more points you will earn. Drawful 2 can be played remotely via Zoom, mobile devices, or a web browser, making it well-designed for online play (like most Jackbox games, for that matter).


(Image credit: League of Geeks)


Drawing more on the video game side of board games (and requiring every player to own a copy of the game), Armello blends strategy and RPG by controlling one of many anthropomorphic animal creatures vying for the throne of a fantastical country. Each game is around 45 minutes long, but within that there are so many permutations of battles, subterfuge, and tactical possibilities that it feels like a new adventure for you and your friends every time.

Boleto para viajar

(Image credit: Days of Wonder)

Ticket to travel

If you're bored with the usual risks and monopolies that you play with your family in sherry-infused boredom every year, then Ticket to Ride is a welcome progression from those. Each player is a railway tycoon trying to reach different stations around the world while he prevents other players from building their own train routes. It's very accessible, although it requires a little more strategic thinking than the basics of board games. You can play it cross-platform on Android, iOS, Steam, and PS4. Or just use Parsec and send people the link to join your game on their local computer.

Mundo pequeño

(Image credit: Days of Wonder)

Small world

By condensing the world-conquering formula of Heroes of Might and Magic or 4X games into a more streamlined and manageable board game, Small World is a fun way to spend a few hours with friends and family. Choose a fantastic race to play among dwarves, elves, orcs, and other mythical characters, then set them on their way to conquer a world using tactics, special powers, and the force of arms. It's not just about expansion, but also gently leading its people into decline. It can be played cross-platform via Steam, Android, iOS, and locally via Hot Seat.

Entre nosotros

(Image credit: InnerSloth)

Among us

Not technically a board game, but given the ease with which Among Us can be played on Steam, Android, and iOS, and the fact that it's tabletop gaming's greatest video game achievement. beloved as Mafia and Werewolf, he makes the cut. You and up to nine friends or family members control little armless astronauts trying to hold up a spaceship, but one of you, unknown to the others, is an impostor trying to kill his teammates. Everyone plays in silence until someone calls an emergency meeting, at which point chaos breaks out and the accusations begin. Warning: May have family consequences.

Ciudad de Salem

(Image credit: BlankMediaGames)

Salem City

Similar to Among Us, but even more accessible thanks to a free browser-based version that allows players to join on Steam, Android, and iOS. Up to 15 players are randomly assigned the roles of Town, Mafia, Clan, Serial Killers and other undesirables in the good God fearing town of Salem. It's up to the innocent townspeople to try to find the murderers and perpetrators, while the criminals seek to save their own skins at the expense of the innocent. As long as everyone agrees to abide by the rule of silence during daytime footage, you can play Skype, Zoom, or other voice chat to bring meetings to life by chatting up suspects and pointing fingers.