Tesla has changed the way it charges you to charge in a Supercharger

Tesla has changed the way it charges you to charge in a Supercharger

Tesla is reviewing the pricing structure for its charge-per-minute services on the supercharger network. Charging prices per minute are now divided into four tiers, which will cost more for drivers with faster-charging vehicles.

The previous price per minute model was divided into two tiers, one for chargers 60 kW or less and one for those charging 61 kW or more.

Rates are now divided into four tiers, tier 1 supports 60 kW and less, tier 2 between 60 and 100 kW, tier 3 between 100 and 180 kW, and tier 4 supports 180 kW or more.

The Tier 1 charge is the cheapest, followed by Tier 2, and so on. While costs per minute for faster charge speeds are higher, overall charge times are lower due to the ability of compatible vehicles to take a near full charge in about half an hour.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Speed ​​Load at 60 kW or less Load above 60 kW, at 100 kW or less Load above 100 kW, at 180 kW or less Load above 180 kW Cost Lowest price per minute Second price per minute Lowest price per minute Second highest price per minute Highest price per minute

The decision to expand price levels comes as Tesla is piloting a program for the first time to open up its network of superchargers to non-Tesla vehicle owners.

Trials are underway in the Netherlands with ten Tesla chargers and will expand to other regions if they are successful.

Vehicles like Lucid Air and Porsche Taycan offer super-fast charging speeds, but it's unclear at this time whether Tesla will open up all of the charging capabilities of the supercharger network to third-party vehicle owners.