South Africa, Time to Download the COVID-19 Track and Trace App

South Africa, Time to Download the COVID-19 Track and Trace App

The South African government launched COVID Alert SA in September 2020 to help alert citizens if they have come into contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus. Although it took a while to be released, the government has tried its best to get the entire country to download the app as it is almost ineffective if only the minority sticks with it. A few months after its launch, the app has gained traction but is nowhere near the 57 million gold mark. However, users of the app have noticed a huge spike in alerts as the second wave crashes across the country. Since the entire process is voluntary, it relies heavily on public participation and faith in its safety, security, and effectiveness. Since knowledge is power, this is how the app works and why you should download it.

How does it work

App users must report their COVID-19 status in the app. Although this is anonymous, the app will send a notification to all devices that have been in close contact with the person's device. This exposure advisory does not identify the person, but rather advises you what to do to make sure you are safe and do not spread the virus to others. The app uses bluetooth to track devices. It keeps track of Bluetooth signals to exchange ``random codes'' (random numbers that change from time to time) with other users of the COVID Alert SA app. This happens when your smartphones are within 2 meters of each other for more than 15 minutes. The government describes this as a "digital handshake." They assure users that you are not using GPS, location tracking, or accessing information. Download the app here on Android and iOS.

Why should you download it?

Like we said, the app is only effective if everyone has it, since it needs to ping and recognize specific bluetooth signals to identify who's nearby. If you test positive but you don't have the app, you are essentially a ghost to the system and those who have interacted with you could be unknowingly spreading the virus. Like the rest of the measures to prevent the spread, the question of whether or not you should download the app comes down to whether you are more of a community or self-aware. Downloading the app helps you focus on the community and helps protect those around you, even if you don't get particularly sick. On the other hand, not downloading the application due to possible and unfounded fears of being observed by the government puts you in a more egocentric perspective since the only person who benefits from this supposed protection is yourself. In the case of this second variant of COVID-19, it is clear that it is more contagious, making the spread of the virus incredibly easy and therefore even deadlier. Alerting people with these anonymous whistleblowers allows them to be aware, prepared, and could even save their lives.

How to download it

The app is available for iOS and Android and can be downloaded from their respective app stores. If you need help along the way, take a look at this instructional video: