Build a home theater with the best projectors on the market

Build a home theater with the best projectors on the market Leisure is one of the most important aspects when we talk about emotional well-being, dedicating part of our time to disconnect from problems and leave behind everything that clouds our mind. Some of the most popular recreational activities in the collective day-to-day, which converge with the cultural, are the cinema and television. The current volume of audiovisual content allows us to enjoy movies and series in a practically unlimited way, being able to take a more than remarkable leap in quality when buying a projector. Because, can you imagine having your own home theater room? Today it is possible.  

The best projectors for an affordable price

Technological evolution has completely changed our expectations when it comes to enjoying movies and television. Whereas in the past everything was reduced to a small cathode ray device in which we played a VHS tape, at present it has been replaced by a huge variety of options that put on the table the spectacular nature of the seventh art. In this sense, one of the articles that has generated the most trend recently are the 4K projectors, a cheaper product than many think. A projector is a device designed to transmit an image onto another surface through a system of light bulbs., being able to regulate the size depending on the distance at which it is placed. This is the pretext of a movie theater and, after years of technological development, we finally find low-cost models so that we can have them in our own home. So much so that, if we explore the best buying guides, we soon find options that range between € 100 and € 200, being much cheaper than the vast majority of televisions. Thus, we are facing one of the most satisfactory investments in terms of leisure, that is, we can watch our favorite series in high definition with an image size typical of movie theaters, or that crazy movie in terms of special effects are concerned, as well as that football match you have put all your heart into. An everyday experience of impressive value that can revitalize the quality of the home, making our free time a moment of pure disconnection while we wrap ourselves in the magic of the seventh art. Of course, don't forget the popcorn.  

Features of the best projectors

Over the last few years, we have witnessed the rise of certain features that have made us enjoy incalculable comfort. These characteristics have also reached projectors and, in addition to the quality at which -4K and 1080p are capable of being the highest-, mention should be made of the additional capabilities that will make us fully enjoy our own movie theater. Excellence is in the details and this is the proof of it. The first of them is the fact of having wifi, thus being able to use our smartphone to share the screen directly to the projector. Let's take the example of Netflix: the platform has an option to send the image to another device with Wi-Fi and, in this way, watch our favorite movie or series in a big way. Another feature that we should not overlook is bluetooth; because although it is true that the projector's speakers are usually good, nothing like connecting it to a sound bar and thus feeling the spectacular sound up close. Models such as the Yaber Y30, the WiMiUS or the Toptro, have emerged as clear candidates to satisfy our demands image quality and audiovisual features. The three models reach 7.500 lumens, with a brightness that is more than considerable to guarantee unquestionable sharpness. Knowing this and resorting to the corresponding purchase guides, we will make the right investment, to enjoy as we deserve the free time that the workday leaves us.