Samsung Galaxy Fold could launch in the US this week

Samsung Galaxy Fold could launch in the US this week

The Samsung Galaxy Fold is already available in South Korea and the United Kingdom, but it was not yet known when it would arrive in the United States.

A new escape from an assist cat with an AT&T representative in the US might have given us the best clue yet for the US release date. It looks like it's coming later this week.

According to the chat, put online by Evleaks, famous for its accurate reports, the phone will be on sale from September 27 on the carrier. It's next Friday.

Samsung hasn't confirmed this to be the case yet, but we've asked the manufacturer to confirm the Fold's release date. We hope to be able to keep you informed of the information very soon.

The Samsung Galaxy Fold is the first commercially available foldable phone from a major phone brand.

In the United States, it will be very expensive. In the UK, the phone is available on the EE network, where it's only available in its 5G variant and will cost you upwards of €100 a month to receive.

If the price is similar in the United States, it probably means that you will spend more than €100 a month to become the owner.