Roborock's new robot vacuum cleaner can also keep an eye on pets and children

Roborock's new robot vacuum cleaner can also keep an eye on pets and children

Roborock has unveiled its latest robot vacuum cleaner, which, for the first time for the brand, can also function as a moving camera and lets you see and chat with anyone in your home.

The Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra is equipped with a video camera that, as well as a lidar scanner, helps the robot vacuum cleaner to identify and avoid obstacles in its path.

However, the camera can also be used to monitor your home and you can chat with anyone in your line of sight via the Roborock app on your phone. So you can be on the lookout for pets or tell kids to stop fighting, without the need for a dedicated family security camera.

The Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra is also a more intelligent robot vacuum cleaner from the brand that has the data and comes with a base station that our solo will have to vaciar de manera automatica el depósito de polvo, sino también puede de primir el agua sucia del tanque de limpieza. It doesn't stop there either: it will clean the robot vacuum's mop and fill the water tank so it's ready to clean both carpets and hard floors in your home with minimal intervention. from su parte.

The S7 MaxV Ultra is only going to be available in the US at a cost of € XNUMX, making it one of the most expensive robotic vacuums out there. It should be marketed in the second quarter of two thousand twenty-two.

Warning: a robot vacuum cleaner that truly lets you put your feet up

Self-draining robotic vacuums have been around for a long time, and Roborock already offers a model that can empty your dust bin, while iRobot and Ecovacs also make models that ensure you don't need to get your hands dirty when the dust bin is full.

However, the Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra is the first model with a cleaning function and it can empty your sixty-seven-ounce water tank. This feature, as well as the fact that the docking station can clean up the cleaning pad of the robot vacuum cleaner, truly reduces the amount of maintenance required.

Unlike many robotic vacuums that can clean and vacuum, the Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra does not splash water on hard floors, but instead employs sonic vibration technology to create a scrubbing motion that will suppress blemishes. As mentioned, the scanner and lidar camera can warn and also identify obstacles in the path of the vacuum cleaner, making sure that they do not become entangled in the brush roller or, in the case of animal droppings, spread further in its I usually.

All of these quirks make this one of the most practical robotic vacuums we've seen, and for those with hard floors and carpets in your home, this is a robot vacuum that you can truly install. Feet and outsource floor cleaning. .