PS5 Restock Comes to GameStop Thursday - Here's How to Get It

PS5 Restock Comes to GameStop Thursday - Here's How to Get It

You'll be able to buy the PS5 at GameStop in the next few hours, according to the US retailer, giving everyone a quick look ahead of the PS5 restock on Thursday. We first heard about this GameStop PS5 update via the store's official Twitter account. GameStop has been a tempting destination and the honing skills of deal-seekers clicking through online queues since the console launched on November 12. While GameStop announced the restock ahead of time, it noted that the stock would come from console bundles, so it's unclear if they'll be selling the systems themselves as well. Thankfully, it's not just the PS5, as there will also be bundles to restock the Xbox Series X and other Nintendo Switch consoles. Here's where to check for PS5 reset:

❗Head up❗ - A limited number of console games PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X | S and Nintendo Switch will be available tomorrow at We'll let you know when they're live, but you may want to enable post notifications so you don't miss them. January 20, 2021 Sadly, GameStop hasn't indicated when the PS5 restock will take place, but we'd be guessing in the afternoon given previous console drops. But keep checking back to make sure GameStop doesn't have any other surprise announcements.

PS5 restocking: why it's better than ever

If you're reading this, you may have been having trouble buying a PS5 since November and you're not alone: ​​many consumers have tried to jump online after the queue without success. because consoles sell out before they get a chance. buy one. That's not you, it's low supply and high demand for a new generation of consoles after seven years of PS4 and Xbox One. Even if you don't get a unit with this restock, we can guarantee more to come, probably within a week. Retailers have quietly continued their efforts to steadily increase inventory, although, as with all restocks we've seen, they tend to come without warning. So this tweet from GameStop is a nice change of pace, giving us time to prepare. And best of all, waiting that long means a shorter wait for all the new PS5 games coming out in 2021.