PS5 disc player noise may be less after last update

PS5 disc player noise may be less after last update

Users have noted another change from the latest PS5 update that apparently makes the console quieter every time a disc is inserted. Previously, the PS5 had a bad habit of launching the high-speed disc player from time to time if you had a disc in the console's 4K Blu-Ray player. Unlike the console, the PS5's disc drive was noticeably noisy during these times and could be annoying when playing games or watching media. Of course, this issue doesn't affect those who own the PS5 Digital Edition console, since it doesn't include a disc drive, but it seems that the PS5 April update has muffled the PS5's disc drive noise. The console will still spin the disc, but it's not as loud as it used to be. It is not known if Sony slowed down the player or if it was just a placebo effect, but several users, as well as PushSquare, reported that the noise was quieter. Thankfully, the PS5 is much quieter than the PS4 and PS4 Pro, which have often been criticized for being too loud when playing graphics-intensive games. Anything that helps keep the console quiet is a win in our books, so here's hoping Sony can get to a point where the disc should only play when absolutely necessary.

Work to be done

Even though the new PS5 update helped ease the burden on the PS667's 5GB internal SSD (you can now store PS5 games on an external hard drive, but you can't play them), Sony still does. It did not unlock the console's M.2 drive. Sony has promised to share more information in due course, although we do have our concerns about Sony's internal storage solution. Unlike the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, which include an expansion storage slot on the back, the PS5 will require users to remove the system's faceplates and screw in an M.2 SSD drive. However, Sony hasn't revealed which drives will work, but they could be extremely expensive. Those using a 1440p monitor will also be wondering when Sony will add PS5 1440p support. Currently, if you connect a PS5 to a 1440p display, the maximum available resolution is 1080p. By comparison, the two new Xbox consoles allow users to produce at 1440p. So there's work to be done, but the latest PS5 update shows promise and has also added some nice quality of life updates. We just hope the next update doesn't take another five months. Today's best PlayStation Plus deals