PS Now Game List Adds DOOM, Wolfenstein, and Fallout 4

PS Now Game List Adds DOOM, Wolfenstein, and Fallout 4 PlayStation has added shocking titles to its PS Now game subscription service, adding even more value to the platform in the last year before landing the next generation of PS5. Join the ranks of Bloodborne, The Last of Us, and Heavy Rain with various shooters, runners, and platformers, including DOOM 2016, whose sequel is Doom Eternal later this year. Subscribers will also receive Wolfenstein: The New Order, a Nazi RPG, the apocalyptic RPG Fallout 4, and three separate Castlevania games for the PS3. With almost a thousand titles available on PS Now (the majority are PS3 games, about a third are PS2 and PS4 games), subscribers have never had so many games at this price. You can see the full list of new additions below or find out what free games are available on PS Plus this month.

Access to all - with the right console.

If you subscribe to PS Now, should you consider this? At $19.99 / €12.99, the service is still expensive - compared to, say, EA Access - even if you get a lot more content through Sony's platform, as well as a much greater range. Extensive genres and legacy titles. It differs slightly from Xbox Games Pass by offering game streaming for all titles. A number of titles can be downloaded offline. The Xbox game subscription service can only be downloaded. You don't have to worry about your connection during the stop. Which service you choose will likely depend on what console you have at home, which isn't surprising, though PS Now and Xbox Games Pass are also available via PC. If you are not yet registered for PS Now, new users will benefit from a seven-day free trial on PS4 or PC.