Why NFT Express could be your secret weapon to enter the NFT market

Why NFT Express could be your secret weapon to enter the NFT market

If you have been on a news site in the last few months, you will no doubt have read or seen mentions of non-fungible tokens or NFTs.

Offering unique content owned solely by the buyer, NFTs are proving incredibly popular, with everyone from football teams to art galleries looking to get involved.

But in an industry that continues to grow exponentially, upgrading your business to NFT technology can seem daunting. Fortunately, there are several solutions to help you...

Tatum is a blockchain development platform looking to help anyone build Web3 applications, even if they have no prior experience, and is now offering your business the opportunity to test the waters with its new NFT Express feature.

Designed for organizations looking to quickly get up to speed with NFT writing and publishing, NFT Express seeks to help e-commerce businesses and businesses looking to produce NFTs in bulk.

In the past, quickly starting and scaling an NFT operation was an incredibly difficult process, especially in terms of getting the right resources on board and available. That not only meant having developers and engineers who knew the ropes, but also buying cryptocurrencies to pay for the blockchain transaction fees (also known as gas fees) needed to mint NFTs.

With NFT Express, your business no longer has to worry about fuel costs, which are all handled by Tatum and deducted as credits from your paid Tatum package.

The platform also allows your business to instantly mint as many NFTs as you need or want with a few simple lines of code – Tatum's blockchain experts have taken care of the heavy lifting so you don't have to.

Security has long been a concern not only for the NFT and blockchain space, but for the technology industry as a whole, with ever-increasing protection and expertise required to keep your entire enterprise secure. With NFT Express, the sensitive private keys needed to mint NFTs are handled by Tatum and are never sent over the Internet. This allows end users of your app to create NFTs from anywhere, while you can rest easy knowing that Tatum takes care of security.

NFT Express is available on 5 blockchains (Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Celo, Polygon, and Harmony) and can handle unlimited NFT minting on any of them. It can even work in mobile apps, opening your business to a broader customer base than ever before, with NFTs that can be quickly integrated into existing apps or programs without the need for detailed blockchain expertise.

So if you want to take your business into the world of NFTs, give Tatum a try today. With more than 21 developers building applications used by tens of millions of end users around the world, the company already handles billions of dollars in transaction processing per month, and you could be next.

If you want to know more, visit Tatum's website here for more details on NFT Express.