PlayStation 4: The 5 best adventure games

PlayStation 4: The 5 best adventure games La PlayStation 4 It is an iconic console in the world of video games, since the creation of the first play, Sony has been dedicated to improving the functions of the console in each update, in order to offer its users the maximum gaming experience. With the technological advance, the new play consoles have a sophisticated design, ample storage capacity, ergonomics and high resolution, key characteristics for the comfort of use of the players. It can connect to the PlayStation app to turn smartphones and tablets into another screen, so you can play from the devices or use it as a means of entertainment to watch a movie or browse social networks, the play 4 connects to the internet to improve its functions. The advantages offered by the play 4 console include: Play 4 Disadvantages

What are the types of play 4 console?

The play 4 consoles that are on the market are: Play 4 Normal Play 4 Slim Play 4 Pro Which differ in:

What should be taken into account to buy a play 4?

To buy the play 4 that suits your needs, it is important to compare:

Meet the best 5 games for play 4

The playstation 4 console offers incredible graphics, which offer the user the best gaming experience, there are currently several games that are adapted to the playstation 4, either for single player or multiplayer.

Single player adventure games

The following list of games will make you have the best time in front of your play 4, since they are stories with incredible worlds that include an entertaining plot with iconic protagonists to give you the best gameplay.

multiplayer adventure games

To enjoy an evening with friends, you can choose to purchase the following games. Console users can purchase these games to have a good time on their play, which are compatible with the various PS4 models, the generation of video games for play 4 has evolved in relation to sound and graphics quality. The plot of the games are based on historical times, exploration of the environment, completion of missions, the story carries a touch of fiction and fantasy that involves virtual reality to enhance the gaming experience.